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Open Thread – Brian Must Be a Muckraker Magnet

I had the great good fortune to meet Dr. Riki Ott last week.  She is the author of the book Not One Drop: Betrayal and Courage in the Wake of the Exxon Valdez Oil Spill, and won Cook Inletkeeper’s Muckraker of the Year award in 2008.  I’ve wanted to meet her for a long time, and she’s just as great as I had imagined.  That doesn’t often happen.

 She is also working hard at another interesting project that you can read about at the website Ultimate Civics.  The goal is to bring into creation the 28th amendment to the constitution.  I won’t spoil the fun by telling you.  Click on the link.  I think you’ll like it.  A lot.

Brian and Cook Inletkeeper's Muckraker of the Year, Dr. Ricki Ott.

Brian and Cook Inletkeeper's Muckraker of the Year 2008, Dr. Ricki Ott.

 And speaking of outstanding muckrakers, Brian also got a shot with Ray Metcalfe.  He founded the Republican Moderate Party in Alaska in 1986 as an alternative to the regular Republican Party that got hijacked by the religious right.  They had a tantrum and sued him for using the word “Republican.”  Metcalfe won, and they had to pay his attorney’s fees.  He is now Chairman for Citizens for Ethical Government.  You can read about his past and current activities in the muckraking department by clicking the link.

Cook Inletkeeper's Muckraker of the Year 2007, Ray Metcalfe.

Cook Inletkeeper's Muckraker of the Year 2007, Ray Metcalfe.



281 Responses to “Open Thread – Brian Must Be a Muckraker Magnet”
  1. seattlefan says:

    Seattle area (at least where I live) has been without comcast for the last three hours. It just came back up. We were without power for as long, but our generator got us through dinner. LOL! I was totally going nuts without my phone and internet.

    Brian keeps very good company!

  2. Gramiam says:

    Found this delightful tidbit on Huffpo. Seems GINO left evidence that she had direct decision about the “rape kit” issue in Wasilla. You can run, Sarah, but you can’t hide!!

  3. mlaiuppa says:

    The panel comments. Meghan McCain was there but didn’t contribute all that much.

  4. mlaiuppa says:

    Maher’s new rules.

    A few more Palin jokes.

  5. mlaiuppa says:

    Here is tonight’s Bill Maher monologue. Nice Palin joke.

  6. Star says:

    I can’t wait to see how Scarah spins this …Can’t blame Dave for this one..he he

  7. honestyinGov says:

    @ 270 austintx Says:
    June 19th, 2009 at 7:36 PM
    honestyinGov – Dang……I don’t get HBO. Sounds like a dynamite show !!
    BTW – Rachel whoops up on Ensign REAL good.
    The whole Bill Maher Show was pretty good. I think Huffpo has a page (maybe under Comedy) with clips a day or two after they air. Should be able to see excerpts. Gryphen may post as well.

    The guests and his panel covered the ‘ Ensign issue’ as well.No kind words there from anybody. Meghan McCain was out there as well as the ‘Special Guest’ sitting next to Bill. She didn’t say anything really Bad about Him, but she definitely did not defend him. He’s not Her type of Republican.

    Meghan did very good. I would agree with her on a lot of stuff, BUT she’s still a Republican. She was very nervous… and even said her friends or other Republicans were giving her S**t for even appearing on the Show. Bill asked Wht..? Who.. names..? She politely declined though. There was one ‘ slightly ‘ little heated exchange where she mentioned people/Obama need to stop blaming Bush for the problems now and just ‘ move on ‘. Begala pointed out that Reagan didn’t move on for… 8 YEARS talking about his predecessor. She replied ” I wasn’t born yet”… Begala replied ” I wasn’t born during The French Revolution… implying that he knew what went on though.

    Bill jumped up, arms spread to get between them.. in a mocking funny way to defend Meghan.. to protect Her. Just for laughs though. Nothing really serious.
    Bill said she hoped she would come back at the end. She probably will.

    Bill and Meghan did talk about the Palin/Letterman thing. Agreed that the joke was about Bristol… but said as a young woman she knows how it is to be in the spotlight…..Bill mentioned the hypocrisy about abstinence. Gave Her credit for saying Bristol should not be speaking out on the subject on her blog when it happened just wants to move on… etc… that’s in the past.. yada yada.

    Letterman came up a few different times though the hour. Just little jabs here and there interspersed. He even did a ‘ Bristol joke’ of his own… arghh… can’t remember it now..? That will bug me now… Hmmm It was the jokes at the end where he does ” New Rules” segment. No clips of the protest though. I thought for sure he would have shown the crazy people screaming and mock them.
    Again.. look for clips on Huffpo.

  8. Star says:

    Have you seen the new pic. on Gryph’s blog..It is sooo good..LMAO

  9. Canadian Neighbour says:

    Here is the next part of Bill Maher

    There may be a way you can watch it on HBO or another site in full but I run into the problem of many TV sites the shows will not play outside US. If someone knows, they can let you know!!

  10. BooBooBear says:

    Not sure where Kristan Cole’s mother is. I am sure Kristan does.

  11. Canadian Neighbour says:

    Bill Maher youtube as I don’t have HBO either. I search Bill Maher Real Time and usually people date it to show which episode. This is opening monologue.

  12. austintx says:

    honestyinGov – Dang……I don’t get HBO. Sounds like a dynamite show !!

    BTW – Rachel whoops up on Ensign REAL good.

  13. Canadian Neighbour says:

    Funny how three of us where on the same wavelength!!

  14. austintx says:

    BooBooBear – Is Kristan’s mother still M.I.A. ??

  15. austintx says:

    oops…….. Canadian Neighbour got it also.too.

  16. austintx says:

    sauerkraut – I saw it and he is good. I went and found it for anyone that wants to see it.

  17. Canadian Neighbour says:

    Just watched Annual Radio and Television Correspondents’ Dinner on C-SPAN. President Obama was a guest speaker joking as in the other correspondents’ dinner. John Hodgman, who appears on Jon Dailey’s show was a guest speaker too. It was pretty good.

  18. sauerkraut says:

    Speaking of jokes about the fly… at the RTCA dinner, Obama made a few jokes – one of which was about the fly. If you have not yet seen it, watch! Obama does not speak for long, but he is coherent and very understandable. I did not notice any word salad on his plate when he sat down.

  19. honestyinGov says:

    Bill also says Meghan Mccain will be on…?

    In the opening he got Palin in up front.
    Talking about Iran stories.Then says.. speaking of another country ruled by a religious extremists in a country controlled by oil….Gov. Palin from Alaska.

  20. BooBooBear says:

    For those who are new to this site and wondering about the comments about Kristan Cole. She is Palin’s best friend, the single and SOLE trustee of the Alaska Trust Fund. She alone gets to decide how money can be spent…friends, family, vacations, clothes……..?????? An interesting side note is that her mother was convicted of embezzling close to a million dollars from two Trust Funds….one in Kamloops, BC, Canada and one in Iowa…from realty companies. Keep your eye on her. She also was involved in shady dealings with the dairy industry. Hey, Legislative Audit… is that audit going on with the “irregularities” found at the Board of Agriculture, headed by Kristan Cole, Chairwoman of the Board?

  21. honestyinGov says:

    I see that Paul Begala will be on Bill Maher on the panel. Didn’t recognize the other woman and man. Paul usually doesn’t hold back and on Bill’s show there is no reason to be politically correct.
    Might be good… hope Bill brings up Scarah again. He’s a Letterman fan and THAT protest..? should be comedy gold for Bill.

  22. mlaiuppa says:

    I just watched Colbert.

    Pt. two of Murder in the White House. Jeff Goldblum came on to give an impassioned plea for respect for flies. And a request that Obama apologize for killing the fly…and apologize to Sarah Palin for Letterman’s joke.

    It made the Colbert Report.

  23. Lori in Los Angeles says:

    WHAT?? Danny DeVito was talking about groping little Piper? This is outrageous, and good for 5 to 7 days in the news, also, too.

  24. crystalwolf aka caligrl says:

    Isabella Says:
    June 19th, 2009 at 5:17 PM

    Calif, how affective is CREW?
    The ran with the 180K wardrobe, the FEC said RNC was within its rights on that, they also work with IRS.
    I would put my $$ on them more than anything going on in Alaska right now.
    Its so damn corrupt.

  25. austintx says:

    Remember when Danny showed up hammered on “The View” ?? And yes , he’s liberal.They had to bleep a bunch when he talked about Bush. Talks about him and Rita in the Lincoln bedroom also.too.

  26. honestyinGov says:

    Since everybody had commented on the current Beg-a-Thon going on I had to stop by and ‘ browse ‘ a little… just some window shopping.
    I found this quote and analogy quite amusing.
    “In a way, that news is funny as an example of the recent tactics of the left against the Governor. They have fired all of their ammunition at her, and she still stands. So they’re reduced to endlessly recycling the same debunked attacks over and over again – you’ve all seen it.”

    “Imagine an archer who fires an arrow at an armored opponent. The arrow bounces off, so the archer runs out, picks up his bent and dulled arrow, runs back and fires it again. “This time it’ll really work!”
    Have there been Budget cuts at the I.R.S…?
    I never even knew the I.R.S. has EVER used ‘bows& arrows ‘.
    I was under the impression they used ‘ subpoenas’ these days..?

    And So nice they can manipulate a story the way they want it to go as well… regardless of the facts. ( I agree now… It is a Cult )
    IE: Talking about how nice it is that we have a Governor that ‘ prays ‘.
    Picture of Todd slightly bent over (toward Sarah )asking Sarah a question. Looks like she is waiting to do some speech… so the hands folded together at the front and the head slightly cocked to listen to what Todd is asking her.

    This picture/interpretation is what they base their story on…? I’m surprised they didn’t just go ahead and fill in the words to the Prayer they IMAGINED she was saying as well. It would have made a better ‘ story ‘… also, too.

  27. Isabella says:

    Danny DiVito can be downright SICK when he wants to. That comment is G.

  28. mlaiuppa says:

    Oh, no. I just watched my tape of Letterman from last night.

    Danny DiVito made a joke about groping a woman in a short skirt.

    Do you think Sarah will demand he apologize to all women? Do you think Ziegler will organize a “Fire Danny DiVito” campaign?

    I’m not sure, but I think DiVito might be a liberal too, also.

  29. Isabella says:

    Calif, how affective is CREW?

  30. Isabella says:

    Nan “Did they consult with the word-salad-queen for the “least believeable excuse in the world”?”

    Blows my freakin mind this is what we are reduced to…ya know this is all due to Palin’s antics. That fool and her greedy wh’re ways have almost single handedly screwed America.

  31. Nan says:

    (220) Isabella Says:

    DOJ: We Can’t Release Cheney Records Because Of Late Night Comedy

    Oh, no, they did not just say that, did they?

    “Justice Department lawyers told the judge that future presidents and vice presidents may not cooperate with criminal investigations if they know what they say could become available to their political opponents and late-night comics who would ridicule them. ”

    Did they consult with the word-salad-queen for the “least believeable excuse in the world”?

  32. austintx says:

    He has a point…………..

  33. crystalwolf aka caligrl says:

    Isabella Says:
    June 19th, 2009 at 4:32 PM

    What or who is CREW?

  34. Isabella says:

    What or who is CREW?

  35. crystalwolf aka caligrl says:

    Did you guys see this at Phils blog??? The begathon is for GINO’s SLAPP suit against Diva and Andree!!!!!
    Meanwhile, contributions to the SLAPP suit against Alaska citizen activists and bloggers fund seem to be slowing down to a trickle. On day five of the seven-day drive, they are 20% of the way toward their goal. Where’s Exxon when you need them, Sarah?

  36. Say NO to Palin in Politics says:

    in the healy coal comments:

    Hemp as a Fuel/Energy Source. Hemp produces the most BIOMASS
    of any plant on earth.If you are open minded of seeking an
    alternative of cheaper and cleaner fuels.Google…Hemp
    Congressman Ron Paul has already introduced bill in Congress
    23 States have introduced Resolutions in support of Industrial
    Hemp Farming Legislation.Alaskan legislator’s have failed to
    move on the idea.Let’s We the People of Alaska request them to
    do so…..Google Hemp for Victory…teeball

  37. Say NO to Palin in Politics says:

    where’s Andrew when ya need him……you who.

    Alaska lawmakers get the lowdown on the future of the Healy Clean Coal Plant

    “A handful of lawmakers from Fairbanks and Southcentral stepped inside the controversial plant for the lowdown on the facility’s status, its future and whether Alaska will realize clean electricity generated from coal.

    Newton maintained the utility is ready to plug HCCP back in, providing AIDEA and Homer Electric find a way to allow the Southcentral utility to pull out of a contract signed earlier this year.

    “We’re waiting for them to terminate their contract with AIDEA before Golden Valley steps in,” he said.”

  38. Say NO to Palin in Politics says:

    oh those Exxon guys, don’tcha just trust them.

    WICHITA, Kan. – Exxon Mobil Corp. has a new environmental headache – this time in Kansas.

    The Justice Department charged the company Thursday with violating a law protecting migratory birds.

  39. crystalwolf aka caligrl says:

    I just sent some stuff to CREW. Diva’s request for FIOA emails from SOA.
    It is outrageous she is being blackmailed to cough up funds for Sunshine law records…PUBLIC RECORDS!!!!!
    I hope the timebomb that is ticking for GINO is about ready to blow, so Diva doesn’t have to get money for FIOA emails. GINO is corrupt as they come and makes Blago look like a “cupcake” and I hope her and all her gov staff, minions and all fall…………..
    I know there is iceberg(s) out there waiting…can’t come soon enough.
    Bless Diva for her courage against these pitiful POS people all of them. GINO should be ashamed of herself and anyone associated with this vile, evil, desperate money grubbing, aging THING that Alaskans call Governor.
    From today’s Article in ADN maybe they are trying to grow a pair, I hope they keep it up.
    The sooner she is gone the better for everyone, everywhere…especially Alaskan’s!

    I would also urge Alaskan’s to contact Ray Metcalfe (see above) and complain how Diva & Andree are being given the run-around.
    I would also write all Leg. and demand a special session to Impeach!

  40. Say NO to Palin in Politics says:

    wonder what happened here?

    “JUNEAU, Alaska – Alaska’s Coast Guard commander has ordered a temporary relief of command for the officer in charge of the cutter Elderberry.

    Rear Adm. Gene Brooks on Thursday temporarily relieved Senior Chief Petty Officer James Madsen from his duties for loss of confidence in the ability to command.”

  41. InJuneau says:

    Say NO to Palin in Politics–at the moment the only way to get people out in case of an emergency is an often severely weathered in airport or a very questionable boat ride. The road’s been in the works, on and off, for years. I suspect if you search the ADN archives you could find more info.

  42. Say NO to Palin in Politics says:

    Can someone enlighten me on this road?

    “The exchange is necessary to facilitate construction of a road from King Cove to Cold Bay using approximately 206 acres of land in the Izembek National Wildlife Refuge. The road is deemed necessary by the residents of King Cove and by the Aleutians East Borough to provide a safe, secure means of transportation to the airport in Cold Bay.”

  43. Isabella says:

    pearl89 “What exactly is that conservatives have that a liberal would want? Closed mind? Lots & lots of guns? No good sex? Judgemental? Lousy political candidates? Hummer? Whiter sheets? Inability to think for myself? Money? What????”

    One of those days Pearl? 🙂

    Anyone ever tries to talk nonsense to you about conservatives being open minded and aware of the world around them verses liberal ideals have them break apart each word by its root meaning then pop a pint of Chocolate Raspberry Swirl and enjoy their mini minds going into overload.

  44. pearl89 says:

    I am so sick of the comments made by conservatives about liberals not working, wanting to take what they (conservatives) have, being mean and hateful with no sense of humor.

    I worked for the local Dept of Human Services (welfare) for 30 years and I don’t remember ever asking anyone who came in for help what their political afflection was. So, yes, I was a liberal with a job. Most people I know are liberal and all of them work for a living. Just like convservatives they work, support their families, and try to be good and decent human beings.

    As for being mean and hateful now that’s a laugh (see sense of humor), especially when studies have shown that conservatives are less likely to find humor in a situation and are more fearful. As for the hate part, I see plenty of that on both sides, when surfing the web.

    What exactly is that conservatives have that a liberal would want? Closed mind? Lots & lots of guns? No good sex? Judgemental? Lousy political candidates? Hummer? Whiter sheets? Inability to think for myself? Money? What????

  45. Seagull Junker Palin says:

    Austintx – so you understand…..I was so proud when they showed a group of older Gators @ the Miss. State game – they had the “Rednecks for Obama” sign.

    This was probably another one of those “gifts” received, from some wayward FL fan. gag.

  46. Isabella says:

    pearl89 , EWWWWW!!! I just read the url.

  47. Isabella says:

    Seagull Junker Palin “OMG my life is over. I’m a Florida Gator. Shirt the dud is wearing. I’m going to bed. Or start drinking.”

    LOL, how soon after Palin, received a call that there was someone from Arizona with a card (Maybe money) and other stuff she put the pedal to the metal in speed home?

    June 3rd, as the picture states the lady met up with Palin….Palin was busy all day on Twitter then that night w/her PLAGIARIZED speaking engagement.
    There is not one time frame there Palin was in Anchorage working then had time to return home then back to the office.

    Palin, GhostTwitter strikes again while Palin is at home waiting for GIFTS?
    “She left a message explaining who she was and what she had brought for the governor.”

    Great talk by Michael Reagan tonight. Encouraged by his conservative ideals & commonsense.
    10:20 PM Jun 3rd from TwitterBerry
    On my way to intro Michael Reagan & hear him speak re: what his wise, innovative father, Pres. Reagan, would do in these challenging times.
    7:57 PM Jun 3rd from TwitterBerry
    Enter AFN essay contest for AK Natives on recession, recovery & opportunity. AKns are our greatest resource!
    6:16 PM Jun 3rd from web
    Thanks to Palmer & Pt. Mac work svc inmates for spring trash cleanup. Next project is planting willows for erosion control at Slipper Lake.
    4:10 PM Jun 3rd from web
    Here’s link to press release regarding dismissal of 14th ethics complaint:
    2:58 PM Jun 3rd from web
    We’ll attach press release re: win against Democrat blogger’s ethics charge that I shouldn’t wear my warm snowmachine coat to cold Iron Dog
    1:17 PM Jun 3rd from TwitterBerry
    We won. Another expensive, time consuming false ethics charge thrown out. Remember the one: I wore my coat w/Arctic Cat logo & was charged?
    1:13 PM Jun 3rd from TwitterBerry
    Read commissioners’ letter
    10:20 AM Jun 3rd from web
    Appreciate AK commisioners’ letter providing accurate information on status & good progress of AGIA project to Sen. Begich’s office.
    10:18 AM Jun 3rd from web
    AK’s poised to train next generation of workers w/great programs like Mat-Su Career & Tech HS. Learn more @
    7:48 AM Jun 3rd from TwitterBerry
    Kudos to AK Dpt of Labor’s Construction Academies for providing great job training & placing new workers.
    7:42 AM Jun 3rd from TwitterBerry

  48. pearl89 says:

    And now for something really gross…

    This is one of the more disgusting things I’ve ever read. Hope this lady gets help soon and her friend gets a long jail sentence.

  49. austintx says:

    231 Seagull Junker Palin Says:
    June 19th, 2009 at 2:42 PM
    OMG my life is over. I’m a Florida Gator. Shirt the dud is wearing. I’m going to bed. Or start drinking.
    Yikes !! Sorry to hear that. Sorry mofo better NEVER wear a Longhorns shirt………..

  50. Isabella says:

    the problem child “I do no know, but I don’t necessarily think they would have to be talking to be working in tandem, as both are well aware of what the other is doing.”

    When I advocated Headstart I got a lecture when I was able to secure Scholastic funding. Initially I was very upset efforts resulting in a literary grant were “Snubbed”. I relinquished my attitude when explained by a very devoted, sincere, administrator that there needs to be “Approval” for whom is to solicit for what as not to duplicate energy or cancel one request out over another.

    I am hoping that Celtic and Andree, are in dialog to champion the cause of outing Palin and holding her accountable while ensuring both parties are fully funded. I also agree with the Seagull, some things will be one persons battle and perhaps not another’s.

    I personally, in the case of inappropriate apparel Email disclosure would rather wait to sponsor an Arctic Cat appeal(s) or moreover AKM and her pursuit to maintain Mudflats alerting mass thousandths to the goings on.

  51. Seagull Junker Palin says:

    OMG my life is over. I’m a Florida Gator. Shirt the dud is wearing. I’m going to bed. Or start drinking.

  52. Isabella says:

    Wow, a granny found Palin. STALKER much? How nice now “Fans” are tracking her down at home to give her GIFTS but note as Governor not citizen.

    Lofton said. “It had 200 signatures and personal notes. Three local bands also gave me their CDs, and some of the business people here gave me cards to give her.”

    Lofton said she contacted the government offices to set up a meeting but was unsuccessful. That is when she hunted down Palin’s father-in-law, Jim Palin, after seeing his name in the local phone book. She left a message explaining who she was and what she had brought for the governor.

  53. the problem child says:

    I do no know, but I don’t necessarily think they would have to be talking to be working in tandem, as both are well aware of what the other is doing.

  54. Isabella says:

    the problem child, Both Celtic and Andree, are admired for their unwaivering courage to take on a jackal. Are they in communication with one another how to compliment their efforts toward Palin being brought to justice for her acts and those she intimidates others on her behalf to perform.

  55. Isabella says:

    Seagull Junker Palin “This is when I hate that I posted something & may have an error in it.”

    I am glad you asked, I don’t know either way, whici is what. Now we will and this is great to have communication & clarity.

  56. the problem child says:

    You are correct that this is re: the Toomey e-mails. The yahoo e-mails are being dealt with by Andree MacLeod. I do think this is part of a “bigger picture”.

  57. InJuneau says:

    Say NO to Palin in Politics–apparently if you look at the situation report from 6/10/09, that’s where it talks about two other leaking tankers.

  58. Seagull Junker Palin says:

    This is when I hate that I posted something & may have an error in it. I thought Diva’s request that she was quoted 65K, lowered to 5K was for any emails between Toomey & the Gov’s office. After it broke in the ADN “Ear”. I thought that Andree’s email request is already in progress & this was something new. BUT I MAY BE INCORRECT – AAACK

  59. Isabella says:

    Seagull Junker Palin “If I’m not mistaken the emails are being requested to show that someone from the Gov.’s office tipped off the ADN/Toomey about Andree’s email regarding inappropriate dress”

    I am lost. This isn’t a pledge for the Yahoo Emails?

  60. Seagull Junker Palin says:

    I’m going to give my 2-cents on the Celtic Diva/Email thing for discussion. I think this is just one of those “pick your battles” things. If I’m not mistaken the emails are being requested to show that someone from the Gov.’s office tipped off the ADN/Toomey about Andree’s email regarding inappropriate dress. Well to me it seems pretty obvious that’s what happened and not worth the 5K to find out. So the staff in the Gov.’s office acted unethically or however you want to put it – it’s not good but it’s done. So if the emails are produced (ha) it’s just going to prove what most assume. Not sure what you can do with that info when/if you get it.

    Now is this info being gathered to be part of a larger case against the Gov.’s office for it’s attacks on a resident who dares to speak up? Don’t know, but just seems like these emails being tipped to the ADN are not going to rank as high as other things out there. JUST MY OPINION & I hope that I don’t have any fact errors that make what I just said ridiculous!!

  61. InJuneau says:

    Say NO to Palin in Politics–no clue. I was just linking you to the ADEC pages, as I’m sure they’re the most in the know. You know how local rumors can go… However, I’m not on the ground there, so I have no idea what’s really going on.

  62. Isabella says:

    Whoops Van Phlegm, is slacking, Cheney’s posse beat Palin to the lamest excuse ever.

    DOJ: We Can’t Release Cheney Records Because Of Late Night Comedy

  63. Canadian Neighbour says:

    I get ya now. I was only recalling all the money that has continued to prop him up in these numerous count cases and appeals of the decisions.

    Thanks UK Lady.

  64. Isabella says:

    Ever check out Ebay, Palin…c r a p? Three things sold over the past several weeks. A cheap button, a signed puck and a sign. So much for being a hot commodity.

  65. Canadian Neighbour says:

    Seems in Washington the House got something right today — The impeachment of U.S. District Judge Samuel Kent of Texas. I would think of course it’s only a formality in that he’s been found guilty and imprisoned.

    Now it’s up to the Senate to convict him of the impeachment charges, as he will be forced off the bench. Kent is refusing to resign until next year so he can continue to draw his $174,000 a year salary. Kent’s lawyer said Kent’s troubles might be enough for impeachment in the House but would not produced conviction in the Senate.

    WTH?? They better.

  66. the problem child says:

    I support Celtic Diva (and will be putting my money where my mouth is.

    Consider this: e-mails to those not in government cannot sustain the claim of executive privilege. Not even for the Dud (Andree’s court case). Since they have no legal basis to redact, she should get the e-mails.

    If they try to redact, she then can take it to court, generating even more bad publicity for GINO. And, the cost of the request can be an issue in that case as well.

    But, if she doesn’t get the funds, the whole thing stops here.

    I believe she has received legal advice to the effect that she should go through with the entire process in order to be able to complain about it most effectively (avoiding having to go to court twice).

    It’s about being in it for the long haul.

  67. honestyinGov says:

    Canadian Neighbour Says:
    June 19th, 2009 at 1:20 PM
    contact the people behind the Norm Coleman fundraiser
    Being behind a Coleman fundraiser – would that not be Republicans?

    Where would the connection lie for what Celtic is trying to do and a fundraiser for Coleman that would cause them to look at it?
    What I was referring to was the people who were ‘USING ‘ Norm Coleman as a device and as a way to raise funds for the Al Franken.

    Their promotion was give a ‘Dollar-a-Day’ to Al Franken(the DNC ) until Norm Coleman gives up obstructing . Last I saw about a month ago it was about $87 K… in Colemans name… FOR Al.

  68. UK Lady says:

    Canadian Neighbour

    I believe honestyinGov means the campaign “A dollar a day to keep Norm Away”. 😆

  69. Canadian Neighbour says:

    contact the people behind the Norm Coleman fundraiser
    Being behind a Coleman fundraiser – would that not be Republicans?

    Where would the connection lie for what Celtic is trying to do and a fundraiser for Coleman that would cause them to look at it?

  70. oregonbird says:

    Burris gets away with bald-faced perjury in Illinois, and the US Senate will soon announce that no matter the crime, he is their political brother, and no charges will be pursued. Ever. Against any of them, ever again.

    Of course, they might not phrase it exactly that way. But I hear that politicians with fed-crime pasts again walk among you.

  71. honestyinGov says:

    Has anyone been in contact with Celtic Diva and suggested she contact the people behind the Norm Coleman fundraiser.? (don’t remember the Group ?)They need a new project or cause.
    And wouldn’t it make Scarah and Meg just start jumping around like crazy if they signed on and put the word out through their sources and contacts. No longer
    a ‘ 3 Ring Circus ‘… more like 6 or 12.

    She should send them an email… just to see what the response might be. 1 email cost nothing. They can only say No.

  72. Nan says:

    Say NO to Palin in politics
    Ross was rejected by the Legislature,… after he told legislators they should ignore the law and let Palin appoint whoever she wanted to an open Juneau Senate seat

    And that is why he was shot down, I’d bet you anything;not because of anything he’d said years before.

  73. Say NO to Palin in Politics says:

    love it when they rehash Scarah trash………first time in the states history…….

    “We want to hear him articulate the boundaries of his representation of the governor as governor, and balance that with his obligation to the Department of Law and the people of the state,” French said.

    Ross was rejected by the Legislature, the first time in the state’s history a cabinet appointment had ever been blocked, after he told legislators they should ignore the law and let Palin appoint whoever she wanted to an open Juneau Senate seat.

  74. Canadian Neighbour says:

    LiladyNY Says:
    State of Alaska

    Thanks!! I’m laughing as that was so simple but I was trying to identify it to a person’s initials or position like Secretary of …..

  75. LiladyNY says:

    State of Alaska

  76. Canadian Neighbour says:

    crystalwolf aka caligrl,
    over for blackmail of Diva, but GINO and SOA.

    Have to ask as I’m having a brain toot!! What SOA??

  77. Canadian Neighbour says:

    The Round 1 Netroot winners were posted a few days after May 15th on their site.

    Under the Rules on the site, it says the winners of Round 2 will be announced June 19th — today so it should be posted I would think in a few days.

    If you are not aware, AKM has 435 votes, 2nd place has 165

  78. crystalwolf aka caligrl says:

    Well I was just over at Diva’s and, I’m sorry but I won’t be giving money to turn over for blackmail of Diva, but GINO and SOA.
    I think I will copy her blog about it and ————>to CREW.

  79. pearl89 says:

    Does anyone know when the winners of the Netroot scholarships will be announced? I thought it would be today, but the winners of round 1 were just announced recently. The announcement date for round 1 was listed as May 15th which meant it took almost a month to post the results.

    AKM is way ahead of the competition in her round.

    OT…Regarding the begathon (great name for it), Mansour has been all over the radio promoting it…Eddie Burke, Liddy show, Ziergler. You would think with all that hype, if people thought this was a just cause they would give more money. The whinners are claiming they haven’t raised more because of the $150 limit. I think they haven’t raised more because most people don’t like Palin. I guess next they’ll be asking people to send a donation in the names of their pets.

    OT..OT…Never seen a white moose, but one of the places I go birdwatching is home to a white deer. It is so funny to watch him freeze when startled…thinking nobody can see him. He is safe from hunters as the land he lives on is a biological preserve owned by the University of North Carolina. Great place to spend a leisurely day. Lots of birds, butterflies, flowers. In the springtime, if you wear bright colors, the butterflies will actually land on you…really neat.

  80. Say NO to Palin in Politics says:

    also, too……..isn’t the state doing something to clean up the spilled fuel from all the spring flooding? are there any reports from that?

  81. crystalwolf aka caligrl says:

    Isabella Says:
    June 19th, 2009 at 12:04 PM

    Nan “That said, it didn’t take the pj-clad bloggers very long at all to gather up enough $ for Dennis Zaki’s trip to the villages. This is do-able.”

    The point is there are “sunshine laws” to circumvent corruption, GINO is ignoring them and trying to charge a arm and a leg. She claims these people have to do work to get these emails. Ummm isn’t that THEIR JOBS THAT IS ALREADY BEING PAID BY TAXPAYER DOLLARS????
    Someone wrote on a blog they knew someone who had installed state software/outlook and could retrieve emails in seconds!
    Diva and Andree need to make formal complaints to the FBI, IRS, CREW and possibility hire lawyers to sue the state for obstructing justice. Or go to Karen Loeffler of US Alaska Court.
    Examples would be, how come EAR, Smurke get their emails but not Diva or Andree???
    Alaska is DEALING with corruptness and has been for years! That takes a jakehammer and elbow grease and as long as the citizens most of whom don’t want to rock the PDF boat do get off their asses and support these people…its going to be the SOS until IRS finally gets GINO.

  82. Say NO to Palin in Politics says:

    Injuneau how did the story go from a softball size hole to a crack and where did 2 “other” leaking tankers come from?

  83. Isabella says:

    HaHaHaHaHa, those dumbasses over yonder are DESPERATE!!! Palin, must have sent her strong arm megamouth buddy to call over and say how disappointed Palin is in their SLACK JOB fundraising.

  84. Canadian Neighbour says:

    Let’s start our own Beg-A-Thon to raise enough money for Celtic Diva to get those e-mails. There are enough of us on here to do it easily. I’m in.
    Personally, I’d rather burn $5,000 before paying it to a corrupt office as they are. If you’re eyes aren’t open now to them, they never will be. Sorry, but it’s reality IMO as we’ve all watched the handling of the ethics complaints to this point. They will find a reason to redact them whining executive privilege a la Cheney and with an ex-Washington as AG, even though they aren’t supposed to work together on most things — I’ve got some land in the Everglades to sell someone if interested aka as swamp if you believe they follow the line of the law.

    The better way is like what has been done, donations to help Eagle and suspecting the same may happen this winter for fuel and food due to the fishing being down and the lack of support from the Faux Leader of the state.

  85. Say NO to Palin in Politics says:

    voices of reason……..

    jmacinak wrote on 06/16/2009 12:15:06 PM:

    …Focus can and should be strictly on an in-state stand alone gasline that does not depend on the fate of any final line through canada, whenever that might happen.. An in-state line from the resource base on the slope to tidewater, will keep Alaska gas competitive in-state. More so if a state gasline authority, or utility, takes a 51% equity position in the line. The export profits would, together with state help with construction bonds,help to keep the tarrif low for in-state users. If the Feds can own GM and BofA and AIG, then Alaska can darn sure own a majority of an in-state gasline utility, to assure fair access and pricing to Alaskans for the next 100 years for our kids and their kids. This will be an end to the worries over heat and fuel and shipping costs to our remote state and people.

    COalmostnative wrote on 06/16/2009 12:43:16 PM:

    There is a current glut on NG in the Lower 48, and there will be one for the foreseeable future, due to the discovery of new fields in CO, WY, LA, TX, and PA. It would be more profitable to develop a pipeline to a port and ship the gas overseas to markets that are actually hungry, and provide gas for Alaskans.

  86. Say NO to Palin in Politics says:

    a little refresher course in Scarah shenanigans…….

    Palin got zoning aid, gifts

    SMALL-TOWN POLITICS: Exceptions to some rules were made through the years.


    “James Svara, professor of public affairs at Arizona State University and author of “The Ethics Primer for Public Administrators in Government and Nonprofit Organizations,” suggested such behavior is part of small-town politics.

    “Small towns are first-person politics, and if people are close, it’s hard to separate one’s own personal interest and one’s own personal property from the work of the city,” Svara said. The key questions from an ethics standpoint include whether the politician makes a potential conflict of interest known and removes himself or herself from actions related to it, he added.

    “I think in a small town there is a greater likelihood that people will accept that you will pay careful attention to friends and neighbors,” he said, adding that there may be some local gossip about it, but not a lot of public scrutiny. “At the national level, there will be far more people watching, there will be far more pressures to come forward to try to influence the outcome.”

  87. Nan says:

    If the emails came back heavily redacted, that might get a reaction out of the MSM. Dunno about now, but… ha! (I had a silly thought; I wonder if Letterman has a couple K just sitting around somewhere.)

  88. honestyinGov says:

    # 185
    BooBooBear Says:
    June 19th, 2009 at 11:55 AM
    Let’s start our own Beg-A-Thon to raise enough money for Celtic Diva to get those e-mails. There are enough of us on here to do it easily. I’m in.
    As per post #187… we can see what the National bloggers think as well. See if anybody comments on my post. Activity builds up on Huffpo in the afternoon as people log in.

  89. Isabella says:

    Nan “That said, it didn’t take the pj-clad bloggers very long at all to gather up enough $ for Dennis Zaki’s trip to the villages. This is do-able.”


  90. Nan says:

    Is there a time frame for receipt of the emails?

    I’d like to know how the “Ear” can get non-redacted emails, and FAST, but all others must jump through hoops, paying a ridiculous amount only to get essentially blank pieces of paper. If they’re lucky.

    That said, it didn’t take the pj-clad bloggers very long at all to gather up enough $ for Dennis Zaki’s trip to the villages. This is do-able.

  91. Isabella says:

    BooBooBear “Let’s start our own Beg-A-Thon to raise enough money for Celtic Diva to get those e-mails. There are enough of us on here to do it easily. I’m in.”

    I’d throw enough in to get the Unicorn Avatar but if there is not a guarantee she’ll get anything, I am with Cali, there has to be a better way to spend $5,000 to make Palin, answer.

  92. honestyinGov says:

    # 179
    EyeOnYou Says:
    June 19th, 2009 at 11:45 AM
    Isabella Says:
    June 19th, 2009 at 11:41 AM
    Surely there are major news outlets who would give 5k to know what is in those Emails.

    One would think so, but perhaps they just don’t care enough about these issues. You have to think that most AK media outlets seem willing to just accept the Governor’s word on pretty much everything, and are unwilling to dig into any issue, as we have seen happen over time.
    While the Bob Lynn is getting a little buzz on the Huffpo I posted about Celtic Divas situation with the emails. Just another way to get the word out outside of Alaska. We’ll have to what the reaction is there. Told them to keep checking CD’s website.

    As I suggested there.. A dollar a day like they did with Norm Coleman and 5K could be raised very fast.
    A dollar from each person on Huffpo that thinks she need to be gone and 5 k is nothing.

  93. Say NO to Palin in Politics says:

    thank you Juneau! I was hunting for that.

  94. BooBooBear says:

    Let’s start our own Beg-A-Thon to raise enough money for Celtic Diva to get those e-mails. There are enough of us on here to do it easily. I’m in.

  95. BooBooBear says:

    Wasn’t there a discussion about Beverly Wooley’s dept. being in charge of birth certificates/Trig/Tripp? Why was this all so hush-hush?

  96. InJuneau says:

    Say NO to Palin in Politics–too bad this comment:

    She said the experience was taking the “oomph” out of her passion for government service and she decided to quit rather than becoming bitter.”

    isn’t about the current situation!

  97. crystalwolf aka caligrl says:

    EyeOnYou Says:
    June 19th, 2009 at 11:36 AM

    She could pay the money and end up with very little, or completely redacted emails with claims of information that is basically covered under executive priviledge.
    Izzy, I have begged with Diva, to take all her info to the FBI. She will not get anything from this admin! Also yesterday when I sent more stuff to crew I mentioned GINO was trying to circumvent the “sunshine laws”.
    Paying money to SOA is a waste of good money. She’d be better off using the money for a lawyer.

  98. Say NO to Palin in Politics says:

    I don’t think Scarah should be talkin out of both sides of her mouth, that’s what crooked politicians do. LOL, now she’d like to find a hero in the leg to keep them quiet again? a hero named Lynn?

    “Palin said that one of her frustrations is that she cannot even tell the public if there is an (ethic) investigation.

    “I’d like to find a hero in the Legislature who can take on and change that law and make it more sensible,” she said.

    Palin said it was hard to do her job with potential civil penalties hanging over her head if she talked about what went on at her agency. She said the experience was taking the “oomph” out of her passion for government service and she decided to quit rather than becoming bitter.”

  99. InJuneau says:

    EyeOnYou–it might still get passed (the mayor doesn’t actually have a vote on this issue); the problem is that Sullivan’s likely (very likely I’d guess) to veto it…

  100. EyeOnYou says:

    Isabella Says:
    June 19th, 2009 at 11:41 AM
    Surely there are major news outlets who would give 5k to know what is in those Emails.

    One would think so, but perhaps they just don’t care enough about these issues. You have to think that most AK media outlets seem willing to just accept the Governor’s word on pretty much everything, and are unwilling to dig into any issue, as we have seen happen over time.

  101. Isabella says:

    Alaska Oil and Gas Conservation Commission Chairwoman Sarah Palin said Friday she is resigning amid frustration that she is being forced to keep silent about ethics allegations against Republican Party of Alaska chairman Randy Ruedrich.

    “I’m forced to withhold information from Alaskans, and that goes against what I believe in as a public servant,” Palin said in a Friday interview.

    The story was originally published in 2004. So I wonder what the Palin supporters say about this? Oh don’t bother, we already know that they will find one excuse after another to explain this away

  102. EyeOnYou says:

    Canadian Neighbour ~

    In my opinion this says it all.
    Some backers of the proposed law have accused opponents of filibustering — packing the hearing with opposition voices to stall the proposal until it falls in Sullivan’s term. Ossiander said she has suspected that at times but she has also heard very impassioned testimony that convinces her the issue is deeply important to people.

    It also states that if it goes to Dan Sullivan it will not be passed as he doesn’t consider it as something that is needed and is not supportive of this.

  103. Isabella says:

    EyeOnYou “Isabella~
    She could pay the money and end up with very little, or completely redacted emails with claims of information that is basically covered under executive priviledge.”

    Surely there are major news outlets who would give 5k to know what is in those Emails.

  104. Isabella says:

    Empire editorial: Palin lands legal pedigree
    Hopefully state’s new Attorney General Daniel Sullivan isn’t just another lapdog

  105. Canadian Neighbour says:

    EyeOnYou Says:
    Gay-rights ordinance appears doomed
    The prospect of a gay rights ordinance passing look dim as Anchorage Assembly Chairwoman Debbie Ossiander

    Little Danny hasn’t shown his hand yet, but you can pretty much read the tealeaves!!

    The inclusion of outsiders speaking wasted time as they knew full well they would still have to meet themselves and vote. They also knew when Danny would be sworn in. They played people by dragging it on for that reason.

    I’d be standing to ask why they permitted outsiders. Have they allowed it on other issues in the Public Assembly. If not, why now.

  106. EyeOnYou says:

    She could pay the money and end up with very little, or completely redacted emails with claims of information that is basically covered under executive priviledge.

  107. Isabella says:

    When Celtic gets the full amount for the Emails, will they actually give them to her or claim they have some freakish law that takes her money without giving all Emails in return?

  108. InJuneau says:

    I saw an amazing courtship thing by hummingbirds this spring. The pair was flying together then the female landed on a cut branch (on the ground) and the male, with his neck fully flared, flew toward her repeatedly with a huge humming/buzzing sound. They then flew up into the tree where he did it again, and then they flew off. They weren’t more than 5 feet from me. It was so cool.

  109. who me? says:

    Wow and wow again! AKM, you and Brian know the coolest people.

  110. EyeOnYou says:

    Gay-rights ordinance appears doomed
    The prospect of a gay rights ordinance passing look dim as Anchorage Assembly Chairwoman Debbie Ossiander said this morning she will continue to allow testimony from anyone who wants to speak on the issue, effectively making impossible the passage of the ordinance under the watch of a more supportive city administration.

  111. LiladyNY says:

    Hummingbirds are very territorial and engage in “sword” fights to defend their area. We saw 5-inch long hummingbirds in Costa Rica – the largest in the world. Fabulous.

  112. InJuneau says:

    Say NO to Palin in Politics–Please note that the most recent update was two days ago and the next report is due this afternoon at 2 pm AKDT.

  113. InJuneau says:

    Say NO to Palin in Politics–Here’s the incident report page on the fuel spill:

  114. honestyinGov says:

    On a positive note… I sure wish I had a good camera like AKM…

    I have a birdbath and a bird feeder in the backyard. I was standing at the screen door watching the little finches eating out in the yard. I have some flowering geraniums planted right beside the back door though and I was just standing at the door and the little green-colored Hummindbird was just 3 feet away hovering over the flowers looking for some lunch. (There is actually a pair of them ) It is so much fun to see them that close up as they work the flowers. The details from just 3 feet away is amazing. You know when they are around because you heat this little ‘tweet-like’ sound.

  115. Isabella says:

    celticdivaPlease support the fund drive to get the records request emails from the Palin Administration:

  116. Say NO to Palin in Politics says:

    look at all the friggin contamination sites in AK!

  117. Grainne says:

    Riki Ott is an amazing woman. Thank God for her great work in this world. She is an inspiration.

  118. Say NO to Palin in Politics says:

    dang this is not good…….and I’ve noticed environmental issues don’t get a lot of coverage in AK, must be that the corps and crooked money hungry politicians keep this stuff low key. Okay, this happened June 8, then no reports of when the clean up began or if it’s done. Why no follow up?

    I also posted some interesting comments, things that make ya go hmmm. NOTE the responsible safeguards not in place. Alaska Dept. of Environmental Conservation is in charge of the cleanup, I’m sure Scarah wants THIS kept low key, she can’t run around the country claiming safe and responsible mining when she’s got things like this happening.

    BTW, this was heating fuel on it’s way to a village with no road access, just water, which means they need to stock up before freeze.

    2,500 gallons of diesel spill near Iliamna River

    HAZARDOUS WASTE: Soil must be removed to protect water.

    “It’s a good-sized spill,” said John Brown, a DEC environmental specialist.

    “We are very concerned about it being so close to the river.”

    Brown estimated that the diesel spread over an area measuring 15 feet by 200 feet. “It just goes right into the soil, and if it isn’t cleaned up, it goes to the water table and then to the river,” he said.

    The contaminated dirt must be disposed of as hazardous waste, according to DEC.”


    demsday wrote on 06/09/2009 07:10:16 AM:

    The real Story is that the funding for the fuel project was the Pebble partnership. The driver of the rig does not have a CDL with Hazmat endorsement, and the spill was only reported after they tried to borrow spill response materials from a state agency. So this is the stewardship we can expect in the future.

    spoilerfourus wrote on 06/09/2009 00:32:42 AM:

    Only 2,000+ gallons of oil. “only?” It is more than our Alaskan Pipeline, a little spill here, a little spill there, a big spill there, a little spill there, and soon it does not look so bad. Imagine how the Pebble Mines future is, crack here, crack there, spill there, and than soon residents are dying. A study will be made, and then another, so “big money” makes an escape. People from Kusko will need answers but the stalls will make it impossible for imidiate attention. Good luck, for us all.

    iliamnalakerat wrote on 06/10/2009 08:01:03 PM:

    IDC finally released a press statement and par for the course isn’t truthful. I also just read the ADEC report for yesterday, they found 2 other tankers sitting there leaking and now there is a sheen on the water… At so it begins with IDC’s new fuel service to the area. Chepaer fuel? I don’t think so after a $2 mil cleanup…

  119. InJuneau says:

    HistoryGoddess–I’m not sure there was ever much of a story, but it appears to have been related to the fact that she disagrees with GINO about things like sex ed and such!

  120. Sam says:

    Did you see this:

    The images are very moving.

  121. Isabella says:

    Residents demand to air views on gay-rights amendment

    TIMELINE: Ordinance must pass by Tuesday to happen on Claman’s watch.

  122. Say NO to Palin in Politics says:

    Almost C) wrote: “Woody biomass projects are often eligible for state and federal funding, tax credits, and other support. Most of the ones in Colorado are small, benefiting one community or entity, like a school. The link I provided (#117) might be a good place to start-”

    sure seems like a good way to provide heating fuel to those villages who have no wood and need lower fuel costs, probably not totally clean but has to be cleaner then burning diesel. But the gov wants what is under the soil not what’s on top and less valuable. tisk

    I also think the legs bess get on those stimulus energy funds.

  123. Isabella says:

    Oh PLEASE accept, please!!!


    The Fourth of July celebration in Eagle is usually a pretty big deal. This year, residents aim to bring in former President Bill Clinton, which would make the celebration a really big deal. Eagle’s flood recovery team is pushing for Clinton to be the marshal of their 2009 parade. The thinking is that his presence would bring national press coverage – and, they hope, a flow of donation money that could be put toward recovery efforts following a devastating breakup this spring.

  124. EyeOnYou says:

    HistoryGoddess Says:
    June 19th, 2009 at 10:24 AM
    Did I miss the story or explanation as to why Beverly Wooley? was “removed” from the public health department.

    I don’t think that you missed anything. There was really nothing in the news about it at all, except a brief mention in the AK Ear on the ADN and that was it. Nothing more that I can recall seeing.

  125. Nan says:

    If I remember right, the letter stated “at the request of the Governor” But my remembery (ha) ain’t what it used to be.

    No other reason was given as far as I know.

  126. honestyinGov says:

    Say NO to Palin in Politics Says:
    June 19th, 2009 at 10:11 AM
    Cool, Scarah owes $10,000.00 next Tuesday and the meeting with Exxon/TC which is open to the public, is ALSO next Tuesday.
    Here’s an idea. With the Palin Boost that Sarah gave to Letterman… his ratings went ‘ through the roof’… and is making LOTS more money… all on account of Sarah

    She could ask Dave for a Loan to cover the 10K 😉

  127. Isabella says:

    EyeOnYou “I’d also point out that the Begathon people have been touting the hand written thank you notes they have received (prior to the start of the begathon) from Sarah herself thanking them for their donation. THAT in and of itself tells me that donations have not been anywhere near what was expected because I seriously doubt that she has the time to sit and write out personalized thank you notes to every single person who has donated if they were getting any kind of real money.”

    I do not think she is getting much money but wahtever she is, she sure as heck is not the one writing the notes. I have read some of those messages, most of the posters are LYING trying to one up the other with their Palin, stories.

    LMAO, they are LIARS within LIARS of LIES, completely warped.

  128. HistoryGoddess says:

    Did I miss the story or explanation as to why Beverly Wooley? was “removed” from the public health department. (Sorry, I barely remember the announcement, so I don’t remember exact name or employment.) I do remember in Ms. W’s letter to staff, it was implied it was “Sarah encouraged.”

  129. EyeOnYou says:

    I’d also point out that the Begathon people have been touting the hand written thank you notes they have received (prior to the start of the begathon) from Sarah herself thanking them for their donation. THAT in and of itself tells me that donations have not been anywhere near what was expected because I seriously doubt that she has the time to sit and write out personalized thank you notes to every single person who has donated if they were getting any kind of real money.

  130. Nan says:


    In the event that SARAH PALIN or any Covered Individual is considered
    to have received taxable income as a result of being a beneficiary of the Trust, the Trustee shall
    be permitted to reimburse SARAH PALIN or such beneficiary, as the case may be, from the
    corpus of the Trust for the actual amount of taxes …”

    Wouldn’t those funds then – the “reimbursed taxes” money then be taxable?

    boggles the mind

  131. Isabella says:

    London Bridges “Aren’t the Sarah Pack people requesting only donation of $150 or less? Can 151 of us chip in $1 each and write them a check for $151 to see if it gets cashed?”

    If only it wasn’t going to her I would do it.

  132. EyeOnYou says:

    London Bridges Says
    Aren’t the Sarah Pack people requesting only donation of $150 or less

    That is because the fund is set up that way. Each individual can donate $150.00 per year maximum. That deals with the state gift laws that require reporting of anything over $150.00

    The way the Begathon folks are finding ways around that, or are attempting to, is by asking people to get family members and friends to donate, and if they don’t have the money to do it, they suggest you give it to them to donate.

    It is obviously a very desperate attempt to get a lot of money funneled into that fund as fast as possible!

  133. Say NO to Palin in Politics says:

    Cool, Scarah owes $10,000.00 next Tuesday and the meeting with Exxon/TC which is open to the public, is ALSO next Tuesday.

  134. EyeOnYou says:

    The Begathon is acceptable because they are telling people to donate directly to the fund itself and only notify the Begathon creators of how much was donated so that they can keep track of it. That is why there is no way that they can verify any of the numbers that they have. They are relying on the people to claimed to donate to be honest about how much they have donated.

    It is also skewed because they are asking people to inform them of how much they had donated previously (before the begathon started). So the $$$ amount they have listed isn’t just monies donated since they started this, but monies donated (supposedly) since people started donating.

  135. London Bridges says:

    Aren’t the Sarah Pack people requesting only donation of $150 or less?
    Can 151 of us chip in $1 each and write them a check for $151 to see if it gets cashed? If it does, then we can have it blown up to carry at the next Sarah rally! Or can someone working at thew bank send us copies of all the >$150 ones they have submitted for cashing?

  136. nswfm CA says:

    Canadian Neighbour Says:
    June 19th, 2009 at 10:00 AM

    EyeOnYou Says:
    June 19th, 2009 at 9:52 AM
    I don’t think that Palin can legally use the PAC money to pay off taxes or pay the refund to the state for the kids’ travel, but no doubt she can and will use the “pay my bills fund” to pay off the state.

    This web-a-thon thing brings to mind the site that was set up for donations which was quickly shut down by Palin’s lawyer advising it was illegal. Why is this web-a-thon any different??

    Because the money is being funneled into this trust and probably others and the other site wasn’t tied in because all the documents weren’t ready is my guess.

  137. sjk from the belly of the plane says:

    this is ludicrous. If the gift is taxable, we’ll pay the tax. Thenthatis taxable. So they’ll pay that, too? Lets DRAIN thaT FUND! LEGALLY!

    “In the event that SARAH PALIN or any Covered Individual is considered
    to have received taxable income as a result of being a beneficiary of the Trust, the Trustee shall
    be permitted to reimburse SARAH PALIN or such beneficiary, as the case may be, from the
    corpus of the Trust for the actual amount of taxes incurred by SARAH PALIN or such
    beneficiary, as the case may be, as a result of being a beneficiary of the Trust. Trust funds may
    be used for no purpose other than those specifically provided herein. All such payments may be
    made by the Trustee from either principal and/or income”

  138. nswfm CA says:

    Lynnrockets, could you comment on the AK Fund Trust?

  139. mlaiuppa says:

    There is no such thing as “clean burning”. Cleaner than coal, yes. But if the pellets burn, they have emissions. That’s High School science.

  140. Canadian Neighbour says:

    EyeOnYou Says:
    June 19th, 2009 at 9:52 AM
    I don’t think that Palin can legally use the PAC money to pay off taxes or pay the refund to the state for the kids’ travel, but no doubt she can and will use the “pay my bills fund” to pay off the state.

    The pay my bills fund also states:
    SARAH PALIN, who is the current Governor of the State of Alaska, has incurred
    and is responsible for various expenses in connection with or otherwise as a result of SARAH
    PALIN’s service as Governor of the State of Alaska including without limitation, various
    investigations of her conduct as Governor of Alaska.


    This web-a-thon thing brings to mind the site that was set up for donations which was quickly shut down by Palin’s lawyer advising it was illegal. Why is this web-a-thon any different??

  141. nswfm CA says:

    EyeOnYou Says:
    June 19th, 2009 at 9:52 AM
    Yeah, Justafarmer and I were going back and forth on this last night. I think that AK Fund Trust is just a way to shelter all kinds of money and enrich the Generations of the Palin clan.

  142. EyeOnYou says:

    I find it interesting that anyone is considering this SLAPP lawsuit. Not surprising but interesting. This just shows how eager that some are to stop people from trying to keep the Governor honest, which no one seems to have much luck doing so far.

    In my opinion, the reason for doing this is quite obvious, but I have to wonder who would have the funding to foot this endeavor.

  143. John says:

    SLAPP suits are risky in Alaska where we have a “loser pays” system for attorney fees. It is almost automatic that a losing plaintiff would pay the defendant 30% of their attorney fees and if you can prove the lawsuit was brought in bad faith, then 100% of the fees is a good possibility.

  144. lovemydogs says:

    AKM, Has anyone heard from YBG lately? How are things going in Eagle? My husband’s friends (the poker group) tried to get their fundraiser set up to send the money to the VOAD Spring Flood fund and then got nixed by the local president (a preacher who apparently doesn’t approve of the method of fund raising-ARGH-who cares how they make the money? It’s all going to a good cause. Just one more of my reasons for rejecting organized religion.) Anyway- they are going to go ahead and do it on their own but they need a fund to send the money to. The organizer asked if I could find out if there is a fund that goes to ALL of the villages affected by the floods. Can anyone help us on this???

  145. nswfm CA says:

    Those pandas were cute, but I saw this headline when I was there:
    Jeff Goldblum Makes Impassioned Plea For Flies On Colbert
    Now that had to have been hilarious!

  146. EyeOnYou says:

    I don’t think that Palin can legally use the PAC money to pay off taxes or pay the refund to the state for the kids’ travel, but no doubt she can and will use the “pay my bills fund” to pay off the state.

    The pay my bills fund also states:
    SARAH PALIN, who is the current Governor of the State of Alaska, has incurred
    and is responsible for various expenses in connection with or otherwise as a result of SARAH
    PALIN’s service as Governor of the State of Alaska including without limitation, various
    investigations of her conduct as Governor of Alaska.

    So they have covered any and all bills that are incurred while Palin is the Governor because everything she does is a result of her being Gov.

    Trust Purpose. The sole and exclusive purpose of this Trust is to provide a proper
    means for the acceptance of money, property, and services, including, if necessary, pro bono
    legal services, to provide for all reasonable, necessary, and appropriate fees or charges incurred
    by (i) SARAH PALIN as a result of the fact that she is Governor of the State of Alaska or as a
    result of the performance of her duties as Governor of the State of Alaska; and (ii) Covered
    Individuals, that may be selected or designated by the Trustee as provided herein, as a result of
    or arising out of their association or relationship with or employment by SARAH PALIN, in her
    capacity as Governor of the State of Alaska. In addition, the purpose of the Trust shall be to pay
    all reasonable, necessary, and appropriate expenses of Trustee’s counsel and such other and
    usual, customary expenses and services that have been or may be incurred in connection with the
    above-stated purpose.
    In the event that SARAH PALIN or any Covered Individual is considered
    to have received taxable income as a result of being a beneficiary of the Trust, the Trustee shall
    be permitted to reimburse SARAH PALIN or such beneficiary, as the case may be, from the
    corpus of the Trust for the actual amount of taxes incurred by SARAH PALIN or such
    beneficiary, as the case may be, as a result of being a beneficiary of the Trust. Trust funds may
    be used for no purpose other than those specifically provided herein. All such payments may be
    made by the Trustee from either principal and/or income.

    They have themselves covered quite nicely!!!

  147. Isabella says:

    Nan “So who knows what they’re going to do. It wouldn’t surprise me one iota if that was used to pay off the travel debt for the kids.”

    Considering the “Donations” are not tax deductible, Palin, could very easily not report the amounts received as well. FRAUD SCAM LEECH written all over this. Hope Cole gets hit with something big and rats out Palin for a get out of jail free card.

    The company you keep, as they say.

  148. austintx says:

    nswfm CA
    I can’t even imagine being the person that took the DVD to that girl’s house. After she watched it and I went out the door , they would’ve had to scrape me up off the sidewalk. Pixar ROCKS !!

  149. Nan says:

    It doesn’t make sense, the info on that legal defense (fund) website. It contradicts itself, if you go far enough into it.

    I remember one page stating that the person withdrawing, did not have to specify the exact purpose for said withdrawal. Elsewhere, it says they do – but possibly that’s just for the first instance. Or it could be that the first instance must be with the trustee’s okay.

    I don’t know. I do know that it seemed more than a little hinky to me.

    So who knows what they’re going to do. It wouldn’t surprise me one iota if that was used to pay off the travel debt for the kids.

    Just – goofy.

  150. Isabella says:

    Lordy, I think some kidsof those beggathon loons are on Webkinz harassing and ganging up on others. Gee, where do this little brats learn to be so mean. A bunch of them are reporting accounts of others to get them banned for no reason then they want the space all to themselves.

    Start them young eh, screwing polls, being rude?

  151. SameOld says:

    If she uses PAC funds to pay her tax liability, she has to pay taxes on that money also, too. She is teetering on the brink of fraud as it is. The IRS is not Alaska’s tame Sarah Critters.

  152. nswfm CA says:

    crystalwolf aka caligrl Says:
    June 19th, 2009 at 5:49 AM

    austintx Says:
    June 19th, 2009 at 5:27 AM

    Now this is how it is supposed to work. Hat’s off and deep bow to Pixar. Tears too.
    That was a heartbreaking story…hat’s off to pixar.
    It’s those HOLLYWOOD AND NYC LIBRULS. And they even make house calls to that Republican bastion in Orange County.

  153. InJuneau says:

    Say NO to Palin in Politics–yeah, the AG’s always picked the person for “that” position before… Wonder if BMc will be retained?

  154. honestyinGov says:

    Bob Lynn’s new Law idea has been picked up by the HuffPo.

    Perfect time to go there and post comments. I’m sure there will be no ‘snarky ‘ comments.
    And link back to AKM’s story from yesterday about the ‘ Mudmachines ‘.

  155. ericmiami says:

    I emailed the begathon:
    Looks like you are not going to meet your goal of $500,000.
    Why don’t you lower to goal to $50,000?
    Then you can say you doubled or even tripled it!
    No need to thank me for this idea.

  156. CO almost native says:


    Woody biomass projects are often eligible for state and federal funding, tax credits, and other support. Most of the ones in Colorado are small, benefiting one community or entity, like a school. The link I provided (#117) might be a good place to start-

  157. Canadian Neighbour says:

    Say NO to Palin in Politics,
    “These wild forests need permanent protection to continue providing clean water, wildlife habitat and boundless recreational opportunities.”

    Wonder if he Is referring to the forests that whatever bozo it was that told Anne and others that had no fuel to heat their home this past winter, to go and cut down the trees.

    I still recall one picture that was posted with not a tree in sight. The only evidence of wood was like a hydro pole.

  158. Nan says:

    You might like to know that the National Geographic channel is airing a show about moose.

  159. DrChill says:

    rebekkah Says:
    June 19th, 2009 at 8:58 AM
    Am wondering if the SP can draw from her Pac or Alaska legal trust fund to pay her $10,000 for children’s travel expenses. Does the legal trust fund’s call for donations lately have anything to do with that? And, isn’t the deadline for her repayment due soon?
    Wow good thinking… Its devious, its not right, its probably unethical. Yep she’ll try to get away with it. She’ll call it a legal expense.

  160. sauerkraut says:

    This is from a prior thread, but I think it’s full of real good stuff worthy of additional thought and commentary on this open thread.


    167 EyeOnYou Says: June 18th, 2009 at 7:40 PM

    Andree McLoed has posted this on the ADN in regards to the story about Rep Bob Lynn wanting ethics complaints to be kept secret…….

    Alaska Oil and Gas Conservation Commission Chairwoman Sarah Palin said Friday she is resigning amid frustration that she is being forced to keep silent about ethics allegations against Republican Party of Alaska chairman Randy Ruedrich.

    “I’m forced to withhold information from Alaskans, and that goes against what I believe in as a public servant,” Palin said in a Friday interview.

    The story was originally published in 2004. So I wonder what the Palin supporters say about this? Oh don’t bother, we already know that they will find one excuse after another to explain this away.

    On another note, Phil of Progressive Alaska has a note in his latest post that there is some talk from within the “Palin machine” of filing a “Hefty SLAPP lawsuit against Andree, and/or Celtic Diva , and possibly other Alaskans.

    What is a SLAPP lawsuit you might ask?

    “A Strategic Lawsuit Against Public Participation (”SLAPP”) is a lawsuit that is intended to intimidate and silence critics by burdening them with the cost of a legal defense until they abandon their criticism or opposition. Winning the lawsuit is not necessarily the intent of the person filing the SLAPP. The plaintiff’s goals are accomplished if the defendant succumbs to fear, intimidation, mounting legal costs or simple exhaustion and abandons the criticism. A SLAPP may also intimidate others from participating in the debate.”

    This is a definition from Wikipedia.

  161. DrChill says:

    publicity for sea four pee’s fund raiser is falling flat.
    They’re targeting Greta. So I emailed her, and told her they’re planning to flood her… heh…

  162. AKjah says:

    Say no. the pellet idea has always caught my eye. It started when i watched them grind up all that alder (firewood) on the sides of the roads. I shall study further myself.

  163. CO almost native says:

    Here is a link that explains some of the current woody biomass projects that have support from the state government; I think there are others that are commercial only:


    Yes, a lot is beetle kill, a huge problem in the state. Our landscape will be changed for decades-

  164. Say NO to Palin in Politics says:

    I found it funny how they “extended an invite” to Scarah’s team, LOL……..I’m sure Andrew will be there, can’t wait to hear details! I would imagine more legs who live close enough will attend also, too.

    State Senate plans hearing on TransCanada-Exxon partnership

    ” The Alaska Senate Resources and Energy committees will meet June 23 in Anchorage to review the agreement announced last week between Exxon and TransCanada Corp. involving construction of a natural gas pipeline.

    The meeting, at the Legislative Information Office, 716 W. Fourth Ave., Room 220, will be open to the public.

    “State Sens. Lesil McGuire, R-Anchorage, and Bill Wielechowski, D-Anchorage, the Senate Resources co-chairs, said representatives from TransCanada and Exxon will give presentations and answer questions about their partnership.

    The joint committee also has invited the BP/ConocoPhillips Denali gas-line team and Gov. Sarah Palin’s gas-line team to present project updates, according to a written announcement.

    The meeting will begin at 2 p.m. and is scheduled to run three hours. However, it can be extended if needed, the announcement said. “

  165. crystalwolf aka caligrl says:

    CO almost native Says:
    June 19th, 2009 at 9:03 AM

    @Say NO #108:

    There is at least one, maybe two pilot programs in NW Colorado, creating wood pellets from blow down and beetle kill trees. I think the same company/group is starting a pilot in the Southeast, perhaps Alabama. I’ll do some checking–
    Are you talking about the beetle/bug killing pine trees?
    That is happening here! they have been cutting 98% of them down 🙁 It would be good to make the pellets for a energy source.

  166. CO almost native says:

    @Say NO #108:

    There is at least one, maybe two pilot programs in NW Colorado, creating wood pellets from blow down and beetle kill trees. I think the same company/group is starting a pilot in the Southeast, perhaps Alabama. I’ll do some checking–

  167. austintx says:

    110 rebekkah Says:
    June 19th, 2009 at 8:58 AM
    Am wondering if the SP can draw from her Pac or Alaska legal trust fund to pay her $10,000 for children’s travel expenses. Does the legal trust fund’s call for donations lately have anything to do with that? And, isn’t the deadline for her repayment due soon?
    June 23rd , I believe.

  168. austintx says:

    106 London Bridges Says:
    June 19th, 2009 at 8:53 AM
    Palin’s true ASS-ets are inflated as a result of eliminating the requirements for a building permit in Wasilla and Todd’s “buddies” helping to procure supplies & build their expensive recreational center, er, home, on the lake.
    Yup – Bet Todd’s racing partner Scott Davis , “Mr. Concrete” , had some extra cement that he came by and poured for the house. Right after he did the rink at some crazy-ass , no bid price.

  169. Say NO to Palin in Politics says:

    Nan…..LOL, I thought the same thing, but don’t worry, her groupie cult is good at coming up with crazy stupid a$$ distraction ideas, lol……they’re in close contact with Megaphone, Burke boy and Ziegler.

    we could guess which day, lol……we know it’s coming.

    infact she like’s fridays and weekends so hold onto your hats.

  170. rebekkah says:

    Am wondering if the SP can draw from her Pac or Alaska legal trust fund to pay her $10,000 for children’s travel expenses. Does the legal trust fund’s call for donations lately have anything to do with that? And, isn’t the deadline for her repayment due soon?

  171. austintx says:

    Hi bubbles………glad you got off on a “good foot”. Yeah that Brian is quite the guy.

  172. Say NO to Palin in Politics says:

    this is a good comment……here’s a worthy industry creating jobs.

    “Why cant someone bring everyone to the Table in the Southeast ? With all the post and comments today on this story seems to me no one really has it…..Well let me blow your skirts up. If someone was to build a wood fuel pellet plant in the southeast there is enough raw material on the ground to keep it running for years…..If someone was to grind all the recycled cardboard and recycled paper (that the state has nowhere to dispose of—except to ship it south) and mix with wood and bio-mass waste and make industrial pellets (the world is crying for them). These industrial pellets burn as hot as coal….AaaaaHaaa but they burn clean no emissions…Mix clean burning wood pellets with coal and guess what you have….A NEW MARKET FOR ALASKA….Make your wood pellets without the paper mix and guess what CLEAN CHEEP HEAT IN ALASKA, MINUTE EMISSIONS AND NO DEPENDENCY ON PETROLEUM PRODUCTS….Creating many new jobs and everyone is happy the Timber industry is happy and the environmentalist.”

  173. Nan says:

    I really want to say “Yes” but I don’t want to be giving them any ideas! OTOH, we’d never come up with anything goofy enough (who would ever have come up with the Letterman debacle)


  174. London Bridges says:

    Palin’s true ASS-ets are inflated as a result of eliminating the requirements for a building permit in Wasilla and Todd’s “buddies” helping to procure supplies & build their expensive recreational center, er, home, on the lake.

  175. Lori in Los Angeles says:

    honestyin gov: You CANNOT break their balloons, they have been taken into a cult. If you think they are anything BUT a cult, read the definitions and warning signs:
    “Potentially unsafe groups or leaders “come off very nice at first, they go for vulnerable people who are looking for answers, lonely, what you’d call ‘normal people.’ They’re very good at what they do and can get people to believe anything. You might think you’d never get taken in, but don’t bet on it. ” Margaret Singer, Ph.D

  176. crystalwolf aka caligrl says:

    honestyinGov Says:
    June 19th, 2009 at 8:42 AM

    Caligirl….. some info about the begathon…
    I posted this little comment late last night. I found the link to the story. Not sure if you knew about it and wondered if somebody could go over to the begathon to drop it into the conversation. Don’t you have to be a member or something to post there..?
    Honesty…good idea if we were talking about “rational” people here! They won’t get it. Some one posted about her book deal and why does she need the slush fund, or begathon and they rise up and say, “oh, she shouldn’t have to pay for frivolous lawsuits out of HER OWN MONEY!” This is the type of idiocy we are dealing with here. The point has also been made to them about her filing against herself in troopergate thus rising the “legal bill”.
    They don’t get it.
    I have seen a blogger write on IM blog “she could be videotaped killing someone” and they still wouldn’t get it, they would find some excuse for her behavior. Its a cult thing.

  177. austintx says:

    74 EyeOnYou Says:
    June 19th, 2009 at 7:31 AM

    While it may be true that partners are more impatient, I bet that all the publicity they are getting, along with the knowledge that the Palin’s are not “poor”, she has this book deal coming out which will give her funds, they have investments and land, a home that is located on prime real estate and I doubt that they are too worried about getting their money out of her.
    Bills and office staff are a fixed , ongoing cost. I guess if they have big cash reserves and they think sarah is good for it , full speed ahead. Funny thing , the I.R.S. seizes and freezes……….outstanding bills be damned. just sayin’……..

  178. EyeOnYou says:

    Say NO to Palin in Politics Says:
    June 19th, 2009 at 8:37 AM
    eye on you, oh I’m sure it’s ruffling feathers, don’tcha know, lol, we’ll most likely have a drama distraction show up any day now. I don’t know about the profitability for an AK pipeline, I’m not sure what type open season they’ll have?

    It will be interesting to see what happens. Should we start coming up with ideas on what the latest distraction will be about?

  179. Say NO to Palin in Politics says:

    I’m sure Scarah has her hands full with all these “govmint” control issues, lol…….hmmm, what to do, what to do, to progress herself at any cost, she knows! get a Bushy washington insider for state AG.

    New roads in Tongass must get Ag secretary OK

    1-YEAR ‘TIMEOUT’: Feds aim to develop long-term forest management plans.

    “The one-year “timeout” is a major step in protecting roadless areas, said Rep. Nick Rahall, D-W.Va., chairman of the House Natural Resources Committee, who with 120 other members of the House of Representatives asked Vilsack to review pending proposals. They feared that they’d be unable to protect some of the land from damaging activities that might be able to proceed because of the conflicting court decisions.

    Still, Rahall said, there’s still work to be done: “These wild forests need permanent protection to continue providing clean water, wildlife habitat and boundless recreational opportunities.”

  180. EyeOnYou says:

    Take into account that that 1.2 million dollar amount doesn’t include all their investments, nor does it include that money that Palin will get getting from her book deal.
    Her fans don’t care and will find a way to make excuses for why she NEEDS this money donated to her, no matter what anyone else says.

  181. Lori in Los Angeles says:

    Isabella, the Trustee is Kristan Cole, SP’S friend since childhood and former Miss Alaska! Goog;e her and you will learn much. And if you write to her to request a breakdown of the attorney fees (something anyone who donates to the fund should want to know) – you will NOT get any info, nada. Just send money, and do not ask questions.

  182. EyeOnYou says:

    Isabella ~

    The trustee is Kristen Cole, longtime family friend of Palin.

  183. austintx says:

    Say NO – Also this in last Sunday’s NYT.

  184. honestyinGov says:

    Caligirl….. some info about the begathon…
    I posted this little comment late last night. I found the link to the story. Not sure if you knew about it and wondered if somebody could go over to the begathon to drop it into the conversation. Don’t you have to be a member or something to post there..?
    Now that they have emptied their Piggy-banks…. are they aware Sarah has assets in the area of $1.2 MILLION..? This might be an eye-opener… to SOME of them. Can someone burst at least one of their balloons…?
    honestyinGov Says:
    June 19th, 2009 at 12:03 AM
    This might be O T…. for this thread,but not really because it is still about a ” Palin Secret”. I was checking the ADN comments and checking some of the links people had pasted. Here is one from Oct 2nd 2008 that talks about the Palins net-worth.

    I wonder if Man Sour has shared this little tidbit of info with all the Palin Fans they are begging money from…? Do they know…about Sweet Sarah..?

    While they are doing this web-a-thon maybe some one should post on their seapeer site that Palin is worth about 1.2 MILLION !! Repeat… 1.2 MILLION!!

    OK… who wants to break the ” NEWS “….. and deflate their Balloon…?

  185. crystalwolf aka caligrl says:

    SayNotoPalinPolitics: Wow! Is ADN getting a clue or what???

    “For the most part, Attorneys General have, since 1959, shown determined independence, even including an attorney general recommending the impeachment of a sitting governor.”
    “Governor Murkowski first infringed on this tradition of independence by appointing an attorney general who had been on his Senatorial staff, where loyalty is the prime virtue, all but guaranteeing that the wall of independence would be breached. Governor Murkowski’s appointment of an unqualified person and his attorney general’s misunderstanding of the function of his office led to serious trouble for both.”
    “We are drifting toward another crisis with Governor Palin’s management of the office. The early resignation of her first appointee is some evidence she misunderstands the attorney general’s role.” OUCH!

    OUCH! I wonder how she will react to ADN telling her what to do? Kind of like when she tells PO what he should do? Scathing!!!!!! The palinbots will go nuts!
    Is ADN growing a pair?

  186. Isabella says:

    “We received an email last night from the trustee for the Alaska Fund Trust asking for our help as they seek to retire the legal fees debt accrued as a result of all those frivilous lawsuits.”

    Who is the trustee….BEGGARS need to be EXPOSED!!!

    And, seriously, those fools need to use spell check.

  187. Say NO to Palin in Politics says:

    eye on you, oh I’m sure it’s ruffling feathers, don’tcha know, lol, we’ll most likely have a drama distraction show up any day now. I don’t know about the profitability for an AK pipeline, I’m not sure what type open season they’ll have?

    Report: US natural gas reserves surge 35 percent

    NEW TECHNOLOGY: Drilling in shale rock increases availability.

    The Associated Press

    “The report Thursday comes as producers have slashed production of natural gas as demand along with prices has crashed nearly 70 percent since last summer from $13.69 per 1,000 cubic feet to about $4.30 per 1,000 cubic feet.

    The Energy Information Administration said this month that demand is expected to decline 2.2 percent this year, led by an 8 percent drop in industrial consumption as the nation’s auto and steel companies have shut down plants and slashed production in what has become the longest recession since World War II.

    The number of rigs exploring for gas and oil has been cut in half since last summer.”

  188. Isabella says:

    pearl89, how well ahead is she?

  189. London Bridges says:


    If the Meeses are true albinos they would look very cool with oversized custom made sunglasses.

    When Mini-me Bush became president, all federal agencies had to post his picture where the public could see it, AND it had to be higher on the wall than other pictures like that of the agency’s head. (Anyone see the DVD of last year’s X Files: I Want To Believe -movie? In the uncut version there is a funny scene with Mulder & Scully at FBI headquarters looking at Bush’s picture on the wall. (Didn’t make the final cut cause Bush was still acting-president when it was released.)

    Question for Celtic Diva since I don’t post on her site: If the outrageously priced requested emails are ransomed and released (read extortion) what guarantee is there that all the juicy ones haven’t already been deleted?

  190. pearl89 says:

    Just visited Democray for America and if I’m reading the info correctly, it looks like the second round winners will be announced today. Will check the site at midnight to see if announcement has been made.

    Anyone on here who has not voted, go to Democracy for America and cast a vote for AKM (if you want). I want to virtually go to the conference via AKM’s posts.

  191. Isabella says:

    Polly, very interesting method of overcoming reservations and shyness. I hope also too Levi, keeps himself real. He looks like he has a pretty good B*S* detector 🙂

  192. EyeOnYou says:

    Thanks for that heads up! 🙂

  193. crystalwolf aka caligrl says:

    rebekkah Says:
    June 19th, 2009 at 7:45 AM

    I guess we could say it’s a a unique learning experience, especially for those psychology grad students.
    Are you a psych grad student? If you are try watching one of her speeches, Linlcon day and the last plagiarized speech without the sound on! What a eye opening experience!

  194. Say NO to Palin in Politics says:

    oh ouch…….this is rather scathing, lol…….he also points out the AG should be picking his “own” spokesperson “after” he’s appointed not like Scarah slipping Billy boy in there, tacky tacky control power play Scarah.

    BTW…..I love that we can gather info here at mudflats on open threads, it makes it easier for main stream media to do their research, lol.

    Palin is mishandling this critical state office


    “Alaska’s Attorney General is also in charge of the prosecutorial system, so the Attorney General is the watchdog on law-breaking behavior within the political system. A governor never wants to appear to be interfering in any way with the prosecutorial function. Attempting to obstruct justice is a crime.

    We are drifting toward another crisis with Governor Palin’s management of the office. The early resignation of her first appointee is some evidence she misunderstands the attorney general’s role. Her second appointee, though qualified for the job, stumbled in his relations with the legislature during the confirmation process.”


    “This appointment also violates the wise tradition that the Attorney General picks his or her own staff. The governor’s designated spokesperson will inevitably be perceived as having a rank equal to or even independent of the acting attorney general.

    This spokesperson is not bound by the codes of accountability that apply to lawyers working for the state. He will be perceived, whatever the real circumstances, as playing a special role for the governor, to assure loyalty of line administrative officers.”

  195. Polly says:

    sabella Says: June 19th, 2009 at 7:51 AM
    This is who RICKY HOLLYWOOD is fashioned after…Levi, keep it real!!!
    Yes, I hope Levi maintains the real Levi. But, I think I understand what is is behind the idea of him channeling the Ricky Hollywood character. I get mortified when I have to speak in front of large groups, so I often “pretend” “imagine” myself as Oprah or Audrey Hepburn. It just gives me self-confidence, and my voice doesn’t tremble, and my knees don’t knock. I become more relaxed, graceful, without the deer in the headlights look. Now, it’s become more second nature and I rely less on the “pretend” games.

  196. Terpsichore says:

    40 crystalwolf aka caligrl Says:
    June 19th, 2009 at 6:08 AM
    Isabella Says:
    June 19th, 2009 at 5:58 AM

    I would love to see Kristen cole pull a “mommy move” that would be karma…doncha know!
    * ** * ** * ** * ** *

    I would love to see Kristen Cole withdraw all the money from the AFT and move to Tahiti, but that’s just me.

  197. bubbles says:

    ahhh, brian the debonair and dapper moose and the loving kissable lion. my day is getting started on the” good foot” thanks akm and austintx…love b

  198. Say NO to Palin in Politics says:

    so now the new AG is already “influencing” the dept. of Interior, surprisingly Lt. Sean writes the hit piece on exactly how to “deal” with a court ruling that was in the works before Obama was elected. I already don’t like Dark Dan Scully.

    Like why on earth should the Obama administration “trust”
    previously gathered field info, info garnered under Murkowski, Palins and Bushes administration. Sorry AK, I don’t think this should fly.

    DC Court Ruling Puts Alaska Jobs & Industry at Risk

    by Lt. Gov. Sean Parnell

    “Recently, a DC federal appeals court air-dropped a ruling on Alaska that effectively swept away our nation’s current five-year offshore energy program, a full two years into its implementation. The court’s decision threw into question at least 487 leases in Alaska’s Chukchi Sea and 1,854 leases already issued in the Gulf of Mexico. This ruling jeopardizes thousands of Alaska jobs and billions in potential state and federal revenue.”

    (bla bla bla, insert fear, then this……)

    “To comply with the court’s ruling, no new field work need be completed nor any new data obtained. Instead, Interior can take a fresh look at “relative environmental sensitivity” through the lens of earlier, field-tested five-year plans.

    In the five-year offshore leasing program the court vacated, Interior ranked the environmental sensitivity of various program areas in terms of only one factor: the “physical characteristics” of the shoreline of those areas. Earlier five-year offshore leasing plans focused on whole planning areas, and grouped relative sensitivity into both marine and coastal habitat components. The Secretary could do the same once again with existing information.”

  199. Shadow's Heart says:

    Bo Obama’s official White House portrait is now up the White House website for all those pet lovers who can’t get enough of the First Family’s new pooch. His goal they say is to make friends with all foriegn dognitaries. LOL

  200. samper says:

    On the alibino mooses (meese?) 🙂

    My ex from like 30 years ago is editor of Michigan Outdoor News. He’s an avid hunter/sportsguy type.

    I sent the link to him and he says he’s seen the photos before, and prior tag lines have them coming from several different states. He says they’re at least a couple of years old, circulating every so often.

    That said, he doesn’t doubt they are alibinos, as nature has a way of mutating some creatures.

    Just my 2-cents.

  201. Isabella says:

    This is who RICKY HOLLYWOOD is fashioned after…Levi, keep it real!!!

  202. Isabella says:

    rebekkah “The gall to expect donations”


  203. rebekkah says:

    Isabella #20; that was a good comment, and so true! This is why I am so interested in the foibles of Sarah Palin and the Alaskan Legislature that allows such behavior, with support from a christian base that I can’t recognize anymore.

    The gall to expect donations this particular year, where so many have lost at least something because of the dwindling economy. This whole Sarah idolizing has gone beyond believing in her as a formidable politician. It’s like watching some kind of sociological event happening before our eyes. An event that blurs the sight of so many blind followers, and how far they would go to support this woman. She is their “Coal miners daughter”, sweet, down home, salt of the earth. But, realistically, for those with the blinders off, she is a crafty sham artist – who cries, “foul, foul”.

    I guess we could say it’s a a unique learning experience, especially for those psychology grad students.

  204. crystalwolf aka caligrl says:

    EyeOnYou Says:
    June 19th, 2009 at 7:33 AM

    Caligrl & Isabella,

    I would hope that they wouldn’t be hunted simply because of the rarity, but we all know that there are those whose only goal is a trophy and that would be a good one.

  205. EyeOnYou says:

    Caligrl & Isabella,

    I would hope that they wouldn’t be hunted simply because of the rarity, but we all know that there are those whose only goal is a trophy and that would be a good one.

  206. EyeOnYou says:


    While it may be true that partners are more impatient, I bet that all the publicity they are getting, along with the knowledge that the Palin’s are not “poor”, she has this book deal coming out which will give her funds, they have investments and land, a home that is located on prime real estate and I doubt that they are too worried about getting their money out of her.

  207. crystalwolf aka caligrl says:

    Isabella Says:
    June 19th, 2009 at 7:26 AM

    EyeOnYou “looked it up on s-n-o-p-e-s and they are saying it is “partly true”, but feel that it is unlikely that they are true albino, but more likely “white colored moose”.”

    I am surprised someone has not tried to hunt them for trophy.
    I think “Real” hunters…who often do respect wildlife, would not do that b/c they could appreciate the rareness of such creatures…but then you get bloodthirsty asshats who just want to kill something…and being white they would stand out like a sore thumb.
    I hope St. Francis or whomever will look after them.

  208. Isabella says:

    EyeOnYou “looked it up on s-n-o-p-e-s and they are saying it is “partly true”, but feel that it is unlikely that they are true albino, but more likely “white colored moose”.”

    I am surprised someone has not tried to hunt them for trophy.

  209. Isabella says:

    I am trying to figure out the braniac who started the Buy 2 get 1 DVD @ Barnes and Noble deal that only lets you have one offer per order yet still lets you order more in separate shipments. I am now up to our seventh order and they would have saved a lot of money to just let you buy all you want and ship in one package.

  210. crystalwolf aka caligrl says:

    EyeOnYou Says:
    June 19th, 2009 at 7:20 AM

    crystalwolf aka caligrl & Isabella

    I looked it up on s-n-o-p-e-s and they are saying it is “partly true”, but feel that it is unlikely that they are true albino, but more likely “white colored moose”.
    I wondered b/c of the eyes, they would be nearly blinded during the day outside like that, but I think its still very rare to see white moose, let alone 2! I know I’ve see some pics of White deer too. I hope the hunter’s don’t shoot them!

  211. EyeOnYou says:

    Say NO to Palin in Politics ~ I have to wonder how Palin and crew will react to this.

    Pickens said at a Calgary speech. “I don’t think a pipeline from Alaska through Canada to the lower-48 makes sense.”

    “I don’t think that pipeline gets built right now,” he said. “I don’t think the pipeline will be built for 10 to 15 years.”

  212. EyeOnYou says:

    crystalwolf aka caligrl & Isabella

    I looked it up on s-n-o-p-e-s and they are saying it is “partly true”, but feel that it is unlikely that they are true albino, but more likely “white colored moose”.

  213. Say NO to Palin in Politics says:

    Reuters | 18 Jun 2009 | 05:46 AM ET

    Shale Gas Puts Alaska Line in Doubt: Pickens

    Billionaire oil investor T. Boone Pickens said on Wednesday he doubts a $26 billion natural gas pipeline from Alaska will be built any time soon as abundant new shale gas supplies reduce the need for the expensive project.

    Pickens, who is promoting a plan to boost investment in wind power and natural gas to cut U.S. oil imports, said at a Calgary appearance that he sees little need for Alaskan gas given massive shale gas discoveries in the Barnett shale play in Texas and elsewhere

  214. Isabella says:

    crystalwolf aka caligrl “triva info”

    Always grateful to learn something new. Thanks!

  215. crystalwolf aka caligrl says:

    Oh Izzy, you might thing so what White dog big deal, White German shepherds have a gene that is masking the pigment! So they would really be black and tan or red and blk without this masking gene, triva info 😀

  216. crystalwolf aka caligrl says:

    Isabella Says:
    June 19th, 2009 at 7:08 AM

    “wonder if they really are albino, w/ red eyes”

    Are they for real?
    Yes they are but I’m wondering if true albino with pink(no pigment) in the eyes. I have a White dog, but she has brown eyes, she is not a albino but a White german shepherd. My parakeet on the other hand is a true albino, she has pink eyes, no pigment, and I have to cover the cage from the bright afternoon sun for her. 🙂

  217. austintx says:

    53 Isabella Says:
    June 19th, 2009 at 6:55 AM
    EyeOnYou, so what is Van Phlegm, working for if not cold hard cash? I have never known an attorney to be owed 500k and keeps representing a client with new matters.
    He works for a firm. I’m sure at the meetings of the partners , they are sayin’ “Dude , we can’t keep going on like this. This is not good for the cash flow”

  218. Isabella says:

    Eric-the-Bun “Will the defence fund have to publish accounts?”

    Truly!!! Without CHECKS AND BALANCES who knows how much is really collected & accounted for.

  219. Isabella says:

    crystalwolf aka caligrl “I guess they are in the pocket for GIINO?”

    Don’t know. They have left some pretty “Insightful” user comments stay up.

  220. Isabella says:

    “wonder if they really are albino, w/ red eyes”

    Are they for real?

  221. crystalwolf aka caligrl says:

    Isabella Says:
    June 19th, 2009 at 6:57 AM

    crystalwolf aka “Oh I think this was by Jill someone? I wrote her with all the blog links and told her she better educate herself before judging complaints frivolous, just b/c some peehead says so! Never heard back from here, lol!”

    Is Jill, from KTUU? I was posting on the item when it was on their home page
    Yes her name was Jill burke. I wrote her a email, to educate herself and not just listen to a “palinbot” about frivolous ethics complaints, I guess they are in the pocket for GIINO?

  222. samper says:

    Lion Love: ADORABLE! My boy kitty is kind of like that, but on a much smaller scale. 🙂 He loves the hugs! Girl kitty is more just a cuddler rather than a hugger. Love my kitties!!!

    Politico article (post #8): “Don’t go changin'”. Keep on sayin’ stuff like “You betcha”, etc. And keep leavin’ off those trailin’ “g’s”, also, too, because that’s so charmin’!

    YEAH! It’s not only PRESIDENTIAL to speak like an uneducated hillbilly with no class (I’m sure SOME uneducated hillbillies have class!), but world leaders from every corner of the Earth will also find it charming (and not annoying in the least) that this “journalism” major not only can’t compose a grammatically correct sentence off the cuff that makes sense, she can’t pronounce the words within it correctly, either!

    NOTE TO SELF: OK, great! I usually love my own journalistic abilities, but I think that could POSSIBLY be a run on sentence, even though I’ve read it several times for clarity and correctness.

    When others learn English as a second language, they learn to use it properly, obeying all the rules and formalities. Palin would have them all reaching for their Word Salad to English to Whatever Dictionaries just to figure out her supposed message.

    VERY Presidential! You betcha! 😉

  223. crystalwolf aka caligrl says:

    EyeOnYou Says:
    June 19th, 2009 at 6:53 AM

    These photos of an extremely rare sighting of not one but TWO albino moose were taken just north of Wisconsin’s border with the Upper Peninsula of Michigan.
    Awesome pics! Look like Twins! I wonder if they really are albino, w/ red eyes? Sunlight would be a problem? I have a albino parakeet and I have to shield her from direct sunlight, for her poor eyes.

  224. EyeOnYou says:

    Isabella Says:
    June 19th, 2009 at 6:55 AM
    EyeOnYou, so what is Van Phlegm, working for if not cold hard cash? I have never known an attorney to be owed 500k and keeps representing a client with new matters.


    I’m sure that he feels that he can collect, in one way or another. Remember he is a lawyer first and foremost, and he can go after the Palin’s for non payment if things go sour for her and monies from her fund don’t accumulate like she hopes or believes that they will. No doubt Van Flein will continue to work for her because he knows that regarless of what happens, he WILL get his money.

  225. EyeOnYou says:

    Eric-the-Bun Says:
    June 19th, 2009 at 6:55 AM
    Will the defence fund have to publish accounts?

    It would be funny if the sum collected is less than that advertised on the begathon


    Yes, I belive that it will have to, and I agree that it will be amusing to see a different amount donated from what has been advertised as “collected”.

  226. Isabella says:

    crystalwolf aka “Oh I think this was by Jill someone? I wrote her with all the blog links and told her she better educate herself before judging complaints frivolous, just b/c some peehead says so! Never heard back from here, lol!”

    Is Jill, from KTUU? I was posting on the item when it was on their home page.

  227. Isabella says:

    EyeOnYou, so what is Van Phlegm, working for if not cold hard cash? I have never known an attorney to be owed 500k and keeps representing a client with new matters.

  228. Eric-the-Bun says:

    Will the defence fund have to publish accounts?

    It would be funny if the sum collected is less than that advertised on the begathon 🙂

  229. crystalwolf aka caligrl says:

    Isabella Says:
    June 19th, 2009 at 6:24 AM

    crystalwolf aka caligrl, If I try to link my post won’t go through.

    KTUU: Organizers of Conservatives- 4Palin say they hope to raise more than $500,000 of the so called “webathon”, Palin supporters have raised $82860 dollars towards … for a fund to help pay her legal bills, KTUU-TV in Anchorage reports
    Oh I think this was by Jill someone? I wrote her with all the blog links and told her she better educate herself before judging complaints frivolous, just b/c some peehead says so! Never heard back from here, lol!

  230. EyeOnYou says:

    These photos of an extremely rare sighting of not one but TWO albino moose were taken just north of Wisconsin’s border with the Upper Peninsula of Michigan.

  231. Isabella says:

    Say NO to Palin in Politics “so this person who skyped with Gretta”

    Greta finding a back door into Palin, now that thr front is slammed shut? Sneaky, send in a spy.

  232. EyeOnYou says:

    Isabella ~
    It is awfully amusing that with all the exposure this begathon has gotten, they have been unable to come up with even a third of the $500,000. Now you also have to take into consideration that if Palin indeed has run up that kind of legal bill, which I won’t believe until I see actual documentation proving it, that number is from quite a while ago, and if we go by the fact that she needs lawyers for everything that dollar amount must surely have gone up by now, so if they think that raising the 500 grand will “retire” her debts, they are sadly mistaken. Imagine how much money can be taken out by family and friends, with Cole’s approval and the amount there for Palin’s bills diminishes even faster.

  233. Say NO to Palin in Politics says:

    so this person who skyped with Gretta says she’s from maet Scarah and is going to AK July 1 to help work with repug women’s group and something about 4th of July parade, she’s met Scarah and “loves” her……gag. She has an “underground” group of repugs at work, lol.

    I’m sure these 2 got together just to give Scarah some more “fair and balanced” coverage.

  234. EyeOnYou says:

    crystalwolf aka caligrl Says:
    June 19th, 2009 at 6:13 AM
    Eye-love “begathon” perfect!

    Well that is exactly what it is. It is a BEGATHON. They are literally begging for donation to pay the bills of Palin along with her family & friends. 🙂

  235. EyeOnYou says:

    crystalwolf aka caligrl
    That’s what I don’t get? This is not just what’s been donated this week but all TOGETHER!
    And why are they taking responsibility for this? Is this something megamouth has cooked up? Mamma griz wasn’t getting enough donation’s so cry to ManSour?

    Well we’ll never know who came up with the original idea for the begathon, but we can pretty well guess that between Mansewer, Cole, Megomouth & Palin, all had a hand in deciding that the “pay-my-bills-fund” wasn’t getting anywhere near enough in donations, so something had to be done. Palin would prefer not to be seen begging for money because she is supposed to be so popular that she can generate millions upon millions of donations just by being who she is, so having to ask people to donate to pay her bills would tarnish that image, and no doubt that both Palin & Megomouth know that. That is where Cole and Mansewer come in to play. Cole can contact Mansewer and suggest that this begathon would be a good idea, or even just hint at how terrible donations for the “Pay-my-bills-fund” are going, let Mansewer & cohorts take credit for the idea of the begathon, and then it goes from there.

    It must be pretty bad, because you figure that for a while there the PAC was telling everyone to donate to the “Pay-my-bills-fund” instead of the PAC, and now that they are doing a begathon, it would seem like all are agreed that it is needed because the money just isn’t coming in like they anticipated.

    Now, as stated, the total donation number that is up now is not the total received since the begathon started, but the total donations that is claimed by these guys since the fund was started, because all were encouraged to let these guys know about monies already donated. Now even knowing that, the total number isn’t going to be 100% accurate, because they have not set up any kind of verification for these donation, only the word of those who have said they donated, past and present. The “Pay-my-bills-fund” could have a different amount due to people who have donated, who have not been involved in this begathon, who have no idea that they should be telling the Beggers in chief how much was donated, but the fact remains that we can pretty much guess, based on what we know about these guys that their numbers obviously aren’t like they hoped, and there is no way that they can verify any of the numbers that they post.

  236. Isabella says:

    The Proposal, comes out Friday with that Betty White, Sitka, Alaska, knocked up scene.

    Hope they play it often in previews.

  237. Isabella says:

    crystalwolf aka caligrl, If I try to link my post won’t go through.

    KTUU: Organizers of Conservatives- 4Palin say they hope to raise more than $500,000 of the so called “webathon”, Palin supporters have raised $82860 dollars towards … for a fund to help pay her legal bills, KTUU-TV in Anchorage reports

    Huffington: I do not see it quickly at Huff but here are the morons talking about it “To see the rage in a condensed form, scan the comments at this Huffington Post article about the webathon”

    Us Magazine had someone(s) posting the fraudathon in comments and other places.

  238. crystalwolf aka caligrl says:

    Eye-love “begathon” perfect! 😀

  239. crystalwolf aka caligrl says:

    # EyeOnYou Says:
    June 19th, 2009 at 5:58 AM

    The other thing you have to remember is that their “total” donations now are not only the $$ they have gotten since the begathon started, but since the pay-my-bills-fund was started because they encouraged people to let them know how much they had donated previously.
    That’s what I don’t get? This is not just what’s been donated this week but all TOGETHER!
    And why are they taking responsibility for this? Is this something megamouth has cooked up? Mamma griz wasn’t getting enough donation’s so cry to ManSour?
    This is SO BOGUS, I hope the FEDS is poised to swoop down on this fraud!

  240. crystalwolf aka caligrl says:

    Isabella Says:
    June 19th, 2009 at 5:58 AM

    More also, girls, is that that BOGUS ASININE link has been placed on KTUU, Huffington, Zeigler, got it out on some prime time shout outs, ADN (Which is linked all over the net), tabloids…that is hella exposure and they still are having to front 100k.

    Palin, isn’t getting rich here. I would LOVE to read Kristen Cole, pulled a mommy move and steals whatever did come in.
    I looked at KTUU didn’t see it? Or HuffPO? Ziegler, ha who listens to him, 15 people show up to protest in NYC? They are mad b/c BOR or Limpballs didn’t do a shout out.
    I would love to see Kristen cole pull a “mommy move” that would be karma…doncha know!

  241. Isabella says:

    Hmmmm, the manic call for money, is it trying to get as much as Meg, can because they are about to shut it down? Someone surely has reported the fraud of it all to higher authorities then in Alaska.

  242. austintx says:

    Wonder if anybody is using a state issued Blackberry to access and ck. the balance in the different “accounts” set up for sarah ?? You can do that with a Blackberry , ya know……….

  243. EyeOnYou says:

    including lie! They freep polls why wouldn’t they lie to make the GINO look better?

    I agree that people would do that as they don’t care about the truth, they care about perception, and if they can make those numbers look good, they believe that it will make themselves as well as the Gov look good, but, they also know that when the numbers are revealed they will look really bad if the totals are way off from what they are claiming, so I think that those who are trying to encourage this aren’t going to skew the numbers upwards too badly because in the end it will only come back to bite them in the butt.

    The other thing you have to remember is that their “total” donations now are not only the $$ they have gotten since the begathon started, but since the pay-my-bills-fund was started because they encouraged people to let them know how much they had donated previously.

  244. Isabella says:

    crystalwolf aka caligrl “They are willing to do whatever it takes to up that donation total.
    including lie! They freep polls why wouldn’t they lie to make the GINO look better?”

    More also, girls, is that that BOGUS ASININE link has been placed on KTUU, Huffington, Zeigler, got it out on some prime time shout outs, ADN (Which is linked all over the net), tabloids…that is hella exposure and they still are having to front 100k.

    Palin, isn’t getting rich here. I would LOVE to read Kristen Cole, pulled a mommy move and steals whatever did come in.

  245. Isabella says:

    EyeOnYou, I appreciate the reply, thanks.

    The entire webthing is total B*S* then. Unverified numbers, unverified donors.

    Love that these two Palin, houses are cashing over who she loves more…. NEITHER IDIOTS GET A GRIPE PALIN LOVES HERSELF only.

    Everyone knows numbers are inflated, tip jars are padded to present the appearance of popularity. After seeing the desperation of Meg, tabloid jerking supporters around into giving money for poor pitiful Palin, that many are.

    When they had their chance to show up, face to face with Letterman, no one did. The handful in New York, didn’t know what the Hell they were talking about. The anger Meg/Palin was counting on to get people to dip in their bank accounts is another epic failure. Not to damn smart to war the two sites against one another either.

  246. crystalwolf aka caligrl says:

    EyeOnYou Says:
    June 19th, 2009 at 5:43 AM

    They are willing to do whatever it takes to up that donation total.
    including lie! They freep polls why wouldn’t they lie to make the GINO look better?

  247. EyeOnYou says:

    crystalwolf aka caligrl & Isabella ~

    In the case of this Begathon, it may not have been Meg that was the actual contact person with Mansewer, but rather it could easily have been Kristen Cole who has been in contact regarding the Begathon.

    Now I have no doubt that someone within the Palin administration or close to them (think Megomouth) keeps in close contact with them, because even though they claim they are just faster on the draw than others in obtaining information, there are times when they have information that is not available to anyone else at the time. There is a connection, but they are going to go out of their way to deny it, and have on numerous occasions, but the question is brought up and denied regularly. Even their own have questioned it, but that usually ends up with a comment of ” just trust me I know” when queried about how they know something.

  248. crystalwolf aka caligrl says:

    austintx Says:
    June 19th, 2009 at 5:27 AM

    Now this is how it is supposed to work. Hat’s off and deep bow to Pixar. Tears too.
    That was a heartbreaking story…hat’s off to pixar.

  249. austintx says:

    “Sen. John Ensign helped his mistress’s husband get two jobs during the time the rising Republican senator acknowledges carrying on an extramarital affair, an Ensign spokesman said Thursday.” Ensign also gave his mistress, Cindy Hampton, a pay raise in both of the two positions in which she worked for Ensign. Additionally, the NRSC “made twice-monthly payments, generally $500 apiece, to Brandon Hampton,” Hampton’s son.
    Positions ?? What were the “positions” ??

  250. EyeOnYou says:

    Isabella Says:
    June 19th, 2009 at 4:50 AM
    is the limit still capped at $150 a person cause there is NO WAY IN HAITI every person that donated, donated maximum

    You must remember that these people are willing to donate every single penny they have or are able to, and you must also remember they are being encouraged to get others to donate, such as a spouse, in children’s names, friends, and are even told that if they know someone who would donate but doesn’t have the money, to give that person the money so that another donation can be made.
    They are willing to do whatever it takes to up that donation total.

    The problem being is that there is no verification for this, so they can put whatever numbers they want up there. People can email and say they gave the limit of $150.00 when they really didn’t, and they are going to put that 150 number into their total as a “donation” but they have no way of knowing if someone really donated that amount.

  251. sauerkraut says:

    Speaking of Brian… his cousins up in Maine say hello. There’s a picture of one such cousin here:

    Ignore the article that comes with the picture.

  252. Marnie says:

    9 Paula Says:
    June 19th, 2009 at 4:07 AM

    The Governor isn’t a normal employee of the state. Those employees’ privacy is protected by Federal Law. Elected politicians are public figures, by their own choice. If they want private they should have stayed private citizens.

    The Governor, and any other elected or appointed employee, is an “employee” of the citizens of the State. Those “employers” have a right to know what is going on with their elected and appointed “employees”.

    It is especially important, for the answerability of elected and appointed officials, to have their dirty laundry aired, for many reasons, especially, so that other “employers” who may have similar ethical issues may be encouraged to come forward to either file a complaint or join an already filed complaint.

  253. austintx says:

    Now this is how it is supposed to work. Hat’s off and deep bow to Pixar. Tears too.

  254. Isabella says:

    Has this been posted yet?

    How Do You Report Suspected Tax Fraud Activity?

    If you suspect or know of an individual or company that is not complying with the tax laws, you may report this activity by completing Form 3949-A. You may fill out Form 3949-A online, print it and mail it to:

    Internal Revenue Service
    Fresno, CA 93888

    If you do not wish to use Form 3949-A, you may send a letter to the address above. Please include the following information, if available:

    Name and address of the person you are reporting
    The taxpayer identification number (social security number for an individual or employer identification number for a business)
    A brief description of the alleged violation, including how you became aware of or obtained the information
    The years involved
    The estimated dollar amount of any unreported income
    Your name, address and daytime telephone number
    Although you are not required to identify yourself, it is helpful to do so. Your identity can be kept confidential.,,id=106778,00.html

  255. Isabella says:

    ADN censoring again.

  256. Miss Demeanor says:

    RE: 4 Aussie Blue Sky:
    No, Ahmadinejad’s critics are HATERS, you betcha, also too.

  257. Marnie says:

    8 Aussie Blue Sky Says:

    “7 things Sarah Palin must do now”

    From Politico
    1. DUMP ALASKA…. She can live, skimobile and hunt moose in Alaska, but she needs to spend a lot of travel time in the Lower 48 without having to run back to Juneau every week.

    Juneau??? Think the author of this article needs to read Mudflats more often?

  258. crystalwolf aka caligrl says:

    Isabella Says:
    June 19th, 2009 at 5:00 AM

    The second question, has Meg, as the moderator there implies, PERSONALLY contacting her to start this kindof CRAP asking for money for Palin, when Palin, just got a big a s s book deal along with whatever she snagged out of state last week?

    Palin, had the AUDACITY to pass the collections plate for her own gain when she admits knowing her base can barely buy school supplies for their kids this next season!!!
    Yes! I think megamouth is in personal contact with ManSour. And everything is tied into the mouths crazy azz statement from the other day, The APOC…murmurs from Phils blog…! Its all ramping up, for what I don’t know.

  259. crystalwolf aka caligrl says:

    Isabella Says:
    June 19th, 2009 at 4:50 AM

    GOOD DAY to everyone!

    crystalwolf aka caligrl, Question. The explanation of freeped (sp), yesterday had me curious, I visited that ceespool over yonder and two things are WTF.

    The count stated being collected for the NITWIT is not actual right? That $100,000 came about by supposed donors Emailing they sent in money?

    If yes, above, is the limit still capped at $150 a person cause there is NO WAY IN HAITI every person that donated, donated maximum and now why all of them sent in an Email to brag they did and IF they did, ROTFFLaughing…..100,000 divided by 150 comes out to 666.666666666 people giving money to Palin and doesn’t THAT 666 say it all about who is supporting her!!!
    Yes…it is questionable…now they say meaThara is keeping their own count? And saying people sent in $5.-$10.?
    And yes supposedly it is like people donated and tell them how much they donated. It is rather suspect, but its a cesspool over there!
    I wish I knew where to turn in a hate site too. There is someone there saying “librals” should be decapitated, and saying bad things about PO. Oh yeah, their leader would be proud. 🙁

  260. Isabella says:

    The second question, has Meg, as the moderator there implies, PERSONALLY contacting her to start this kindof CRAP asking for money for Palin, when Palin, just got a big a s s book deal along with whatever she snagged out of state last week?

    Palin, had the AUDACITY to pass the collections plate for her own gain when she admits knowing her base can barely buy school supplies for their kids this next season!!!

    SHAME SHAME SAME on anyone who really did give anything when there are cutbacks in every state for primary education & seniors are going hungry in addition to burning up this summer because Meal On Wheels programs have had to cut back, volunteers cannot AFFORD GAS TO DELIVER MEALS & the choice between air conditioning or medication has become a monthly decision since CHURCH & RESOURCE CENTERS have lost finical support to ease the harsh reality of having to choice between life’s necessities.

  261. Ripley in CT says:

    What? A reasoned Republican? He’s surely an anomaly there. Since Brian likes him, I guess I’ll give him a chance. 😉

  262. LiladyNY says:

    Thanks for the Lion Love. That is fantastic.

    That Brian certainly is a moose-about-town. He rubs antlers with the very best. I joined the group supporting this amendment. It makes a lot of sense. Kudos to Dr. Ott.

  263. Marnie says:

    I have a particular aversion to messing with the Constitution. It was intended to define our basic rights and freedoms. It was not intended, as most state constitutions are, to be a constantly shifting and ever growing morass of specfic point legislation.


    I definitely agree with this proposal. It obviously will not be passed by Congress or any state legislature, and I don’t think any Amendment has ever made it to a public vote but I may be wrong on that one.

    So now Mudpuppies can help spread this site around in our comments and maybe the PJ clad crusaders and their yoemen can blog to victory once more.

    It is a sad commentary that this type of movement is even considered, much less necessary.
    Unfortunately there will always be justices like Thomas, Scalia and others who do not respect the Constitution or its ideals, and do not follow either its letter or its intent. And there will always be the Reagans, and Bushes and Duhbyas who will put men like Thomas and Scalia into federal and Supreme Court robes.

  264. Isabella says:

    GOOD DAY to everyone!

    crystalwolf aka caligrl, Question. The explanation of freeped (sp), yesterday had me curious, I visited that ceespool over yonder and two things are WTF.

    The count stated being collected for the NITWIT is not actual right? That $100,000 came about by supposed donors Emailing they sent in money?

    If yes, above, is the limit still capped at $150 a person cause there is NO WAY IN HAITI every person that donated, donated maximum and now why all of them sent in an Email to brag they did and IF they did, ROTFFLaughing…..100,000 divided by 150 comes out to 666.666666666 people giving money to Palin and doesn’t THAT 666 say it all about who is supporting her!!!

  265. crystalwolf aka caligrl says:

    austintx Says:
    June 19th, 2009 at 4:33 AM

    How ’bout some Lion Love to kick off the day……………
    Austin, that’s so cute 🙂 Made my day!

  266. Tewise says:

    Brian has a much better, bigger circle than I have or will ever have. WTG Brian!!!!

  267. austintx says:

    How ’bout some Lion Love to kick off the day……………

  268. Aussie Blue Sky says:

    I just now saw a question asked by an ADN commenter:

    “Why aren’t stewardesses protesting at being compared with slutty governors?”


  269. Paula says:

    They had a tantrum and sued him for using the word “Republican.” Metcalfe won,

    Too fun!

  270. womanwithsardinecan says:

    Wow. Between Palin and those red clowns blathering in Anchorage, I tend to forget that Alaska really does have high class citizen role models. I can FEEL the positive energy and intelligence emanating from the picture of Dr. Ott. Is it possible? A strong, intelligent woman making a difference in Alaska? No designer glasses or “f*** me boots either. As for Ray Metcalfe, all I can say is neener neener neener to those dumb right wing Alaska repubs. HA ha!!

  271. Paula says:

    Anchorage Republican Rep. Bob Lynn, a supporter of Gov. Sarah Palin’s, said he’s going to introduce a bill to stop ethics complaints against the governor or members of her staff from being publicly discussed unless the state finds they have merit.

    “An ethics complaint filed against a legislator is confidential until it’s determined to have merit,” Lynn said in a written statement. “If the complainant breaches confidentiality, then the case is dismissed.”

    When citing articles, please provide a few lines of text and also a link back to the original piece (copyright issues). Thanks! 🙂 AKM

  272. Aussie Blue Sky says:

    There is lots of good reading about the Assembly’s anti-discrimination proposal in this week’s, including a lovely personal story from Krestia St.George.

    And on politico, there’s this:

    7 things Sarah Palin must do now

  273. Aussie Blue Sky says:

    Levi Johnston hunts for Hollywood fame

    “A high-school dropout passionate about hunting and hockey, Johnston, 19, “is going to go and take the test and finish school and enroll in some college courses,” his manager says. “[But] it’s not like he can go and get a normal job now. Because of all the publicity. The whole interviewing thing, and red carpet and paparazzi — he still hasn’t gotten comfortable with it, but what else does he have? Can he go work at McDonald’s? … He wants to take care of his son financially.”
    Last week, Jones accompanied Johnston — who has appeared on the Larry King and Tyra Banks shows and in GQ — on a trip to Los Angeles, where he was a special guest at the launch party of actress Jennifer Murphy’s, which describes its mission as the empowerment of women.

    “I thought this was a great opportunity for him to show that he supports women and the empowerment of women,” Murphy says. “I could tell he was a little overwhelmed. He made a comment about how there were beautiful girls everywhere he looked and said, ‘It isn’t like this in Alaska!'”

  274. Aussie Blue Sky says:

    I looked for an opportunity to let NOW know what I thought of their efforts to give Sarah Palin more publicity, but – they don’t welcome any interaction on their website [i.e. no “contact us”].

    Seems they just want to bleed about Dr Tiller in private, if you don’t mind. He was a big NOW story, you know.

    Plugging Governor Palin, and outrage at the prospective rape of her daughter is apparently only a small story; it didn’t make it to the front page.

  275. austintx says:

    Sillywhabbit…… around ??……..I have not seen Sillywhabbit post in a while. I cannot wrap my mind around this story and would like Sillywhabbit’s input.

  276. Aussie Blue Sky says:

    “Ayatollah Ali Khamenei sided with hardline President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad and offered no concessions to the opposition. He effectively closed any chance for a new vote by calling the June 12 election a “definitive victory.”

    [he] said Friday that Iran’s disputed presidential vote had not been rigged, sternly warning protesters to halt massive demonstrations demanding a new election or be held responsible for creating chaos.”

    “or be held responsible” ….. does this mean “if you’re not with us you’re against us”?

  277. crystalwolf aka caligrl says:

    Brian gets around 🙂
    Thanks for the info on Ray Metcalfe AKM! I was just asking on Phils blog about the petition.

  278. Aussie Blue Sky says:

    I’m all for the separation of corporation and State. I’m tired of “legal entities” with exactly the same rights as US citizens.

    Excepting ….
    “Legal entities cannot marry, they usually cannot vote or hold public office, and in most jurisdictions there are certain positions which they cannot occupy.”

    So, a corporation cannot “usually” be President of the US? A corporation may not legally marry another corporation????

    There is work to be done here.

  279. Kath the Scrappy from Seattle says:

    Oh WOW! Brian is just rubbing horns with everyone so worth knowing! Exciting, that he let his dear friend AKM come along for the ride.