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Open Thread – 12 Days of Palin (Day 8)

On the eighth day of Christmas

my Ex-Gov gave to me:

Eight Reindeer Fleeing

Seven Polls a-Tanking

Six turkeys draining

Five Liiiiiving Props!

Four Dancing Stars

Three Lame Tweets

Two Crappy Books

And a Dead Fish on My TeeVee



122 Responses to “Open Thread – 12 Days of Palin (Day 8)”
  1. Now I want my money back. It is 3:30 am Central time and the sky is overcast completely. I can pinpoint all the little towns in North America by seeing their lights reflect off the ugly,gray overcast. Eclipse anyone? Phooey. Now I guess its back to the front and war with Rethuglicans and their tea-bagging kinfolk. Sorry Mudpups,but I just needed an eclipse to get myself holy again. I don’t ask for much and it isn’t necessarily for me. But,I still have a great fondness for all my new friends. Happy Holidays from the makers of Beer and Stuff.Oh,and from Me.

  2. JUST A THOUGHT says:

    Mudpuppies – you are my late night laughter.

    Keep the good times rolling!


  3. jimzmum says:

    I was just flipping channels and came across an ad for that nowhere near reality thing. Did I really hear Mrs. Plain lecturing Willow on work ethic?

  4. B in Wasilla says:

    Dear Mudflats

    I cannot figure out how to contact you, so please you have my email address send me a way to contact you. I would like to write a few items for you and I have a PhD in Snarky British Wit that I would love to share.

    • Martha Unalaska Yard Sign says:

      From the About page:

      “You can contact me at akmuckraker (at) Please know that I do get quite a bit of email, and while I may not be able to respond to you individually, I do read all of it….eventually! “

  5. B in Wasilla says:

    Dear Santa

    Please let some good and righteous hunter find this evil Palin Creature and let them have a 5 and half foot stake of holly to drive through it’s heart.

    Your good friend


    P.S. ( B does not stand for Buffy though )

    • B from Wasilla- Ms Quittybritches is inviting you or someone else to do just as you suggest. Look at her book cover and you will see an invite to rid the world of one more of the un-dead. I’d love to be the one,but I would be run in on charges of cruelty to wooden stakes or something.

  6. OMG says:

    It might take Sarah Palin six shots to bag her game but this author nails Palin with one well placed journalistic shot:

    • jojobo1 says:

      Ya know you have to wonder why she does that Michele isn’t running for any office and it only really hurts palin herself.Makes her look real petty

  7. Zyxomma says:

    Everyone who reads my posts knows I’m an environmentalist, and have been one for almost my entire life. This video mash-up of a 12 (count ’em, 12!) DVD set, explaining how “radical” environmentalism is the “green dragon” ruining everything (e.g. increasing poverty among the world’s poorest) would be funny if it weren’t so sad:

    p.s. Don’t let Scarah see it.

  8. Auni Uskoski says:

    Blue Eyes–know that we are all sending love and support to you. In dark times it’s hard to believe that life will ever be alright again. I bless that sorrow you are feeling and ask that your sadness does it’s work and brings you out to the other side.

  9. Maybe this country can be saved afterall. If Mother Nature can treat us all to such a beautiful,peaceful show and Rethuglicans can’t find some way to profit from it,even I would be kind of willing to listen to peace overtures from the Right. For an hour maybe we can all be united as humans and enjoy what Nature has given us.

  10. Moose Pucky says:

    Twooooo crappy books (singing in the slough)

  11. flying pig ranch says:

    Have the ratings been posted for SP’s AK? We watched last night, Yes, we watched the whole thing. Husband thought I would want to watch but I would rather have watched Iron Chef. His hearing isn’t the best and he left it on TLC. He got the full benefit of her screeching. I’m sorry but…..hee, hee, hee. There are times I feel like I sound like her trying to communicate.

    There were so many outfit changes for wonder woman. I could not understand how she stayed so clean running the 4-wheeler through all that mud. Also she was not familiar with the suv that she drove to the pie shop and on to the dog run. She must have a backup system in her Escalade.

    I am ashamed that we added to her ratings number but it would seem that she is ruining any chance she has for a winning run for the White House by putting herself and her family out there for anyone and everyone to make judgments. She looks like she was a tourist doing the Alaskan Experience Tour. They didn’t show her turning the dogs around and heading back to camp. You can’t fool dogs.

    • Zyxomma says:

      Unless you’ve got a Nielsen box hooked up to your TV, you did nothing for her ratings, so don’t feel bad.

  12. Shadow's Heart says:

    AKM that really should be eight shots a missing – cause you know she’s really not good with guns and can’t shoot a lick. just don’t tell the NRA they’ll be so crushed.

  13. Gimme-a-break, Sarah says:

    (((((((Blue Eyes))))))))

    Please accept my deepest sympathies for your loss.

  14. Zyxomma says:

    ATTENTION ALL SKYWATCHERS: Tonight is the total eclipse of the moon. It doesn’t start till 2:41 a.m. here on the east coast, but that puts its beginning at 10:41 p.m. Alaska time. (Those of you in the western part of the state are familiar enough with the ridiculousness of your entire huge landmass plus islands being artificially compressed into one time zone, when by all rights you should have four, so do the arithmetic and look up at the appropriate hour!) Lunar eclipses, unlike solar, are completely safe to view without eye protection. However, it’ll be colder than a witch’s tit in a brass brassiere, so do dress warmly.

    At the same time, the Ursids meteor shower is taking place. With all the city light pollution, I doubt I’ll see them, and usually they aren’t a big deal, but with the dark moon of the eclipse, they have a chance to shine tonight.

    And the Solstice (shortest day of the year) is tomorrow. Happy stargazing, all.

    • Bretta says:

      We have a 5,000 foot cover right now with lots of snow – hoping it will disperse long enough tonight to see the eclipse – otherwise, my bonfire won’t interfere to make light pollution.

      I promise to wear boots as I dance nekkid ’round the fire in celebration of the full moon and winter solstice!

      Tee hee – Happy Yuletide!

      • Elizabeth says:

        Wonderful image!! I’m afraid Western Washington’s famous rain will spoil our view. However, I, too, am celebrating the return of the sun. Yes!!! Summer is coming!

      • jojobo1 says:

        Bretta go you LOL

  15. Zyxomma says:

    Eight reindeer fleeing is a good one, AKM, but apparently (I’ve read about her show on blogs, and most recently in the comments section at Field & Stream) she’s such a lousy shot, they have nothing to worry about. Anyhow, they can [i]fly[i][i]/ so no worries (although low flying planes might want to avoid the area).

  16. LibertyLover says:

    Sarah shot Rudolph? OMG!!!!

  17. Blue Eyes says:

    I wanted to thank my fellow mudpuppies for your wit and sense of humor. You have been a bright light in this otherwise dark time in my life. I recently lost my husband over Thanksgiving weekend. He was only 33. He leaves behind his family and our 6 year old son. I have no other words to express myself right now. It has been a rather difficult time to process any thoughts and emotions that I have been feeling.

    • bubbles says:

      (((((((Blue Eyes)))))
      i extend to you and to your family my sincere and deepest condolence. take your time sweetheart. take all the time you need. one day you will be able to process what has happened. you will be able to stand without help but until that day comes i stand with you. though the icy wind blows cold and the fire burns oh so hot you and your baby will make it. you will. trust me on that.

    • UgaVic says:

      Blue Eyes..know that you are thought of, as is your son, during this extremely difficut time.

      I am sure you will hear from many of us that we will keep you in our prayers and are here to listen if you need it.

      Lots of warm hugs {{ }}}and hoping there is a little more sunshine in each day, from the past one, from here out.

    • Zyxomma says:

      {{{{{{{{{ blue eyes }}}}}}}}}

      I have some insight into how you feel. Thanksgiving has always been my little sister’s favorite holiday. She and her boyfriend were together for 18 years, and about seven years ago, he died on Thanksgiving day. Fortunately, they had no children together (he had a daughter from his marriage).

      It has not spoiled Thanksgiving for her, but it has stuck with her.

      I wish you and your son strength, love, health, and peace. I hope you have close companions to help you through, and you’ll always have us mudpuppies. Blessings to you and yours.

    • LibertyLover says:

      My condolences to you and your son. My heart and my thoughts and good wishes are going your way today! There is no sense in the universe sometimes! I’m sure your husband will be guiding your family through the grief that you must be feeling. May your pain and sadness ease a little more each day as you move forward.

    • Bretta says:

      I am so sorry for your loss, especially for your young child. Please accept my condolences.

    • G Katz says:

      My condolences, Blue Eyes, on the loss of your dear husband. I will be thinking of you and hoping for strength to come your way in abundance to carry you through this difficult time. Hugs.

    • OMG says:

      My thoughts will be with during this difficult period. I am so sorry for your loss.

    • scout says:

      ((((((Blue Eyes and young Blue Eyes))))))

      strength and peace

    • laingirl says:

      Blue Eyes, my thoughts and prayers go out to you and your son for your terrible loss. You sound like a strong, sensible young woman and I am certain you will be able to overcome your sorrow, while remembering the happy times you had with your husband. It takes time, but you will be strong for your son, who will need you more than ever. You have friends here who will listen when you want to talk or cry with you if that is how you feel. We’ll also laugh with you any time.

    • My condolences to you and your son. I would be less boisterous if I had only known in advance. I find humor helps me get through the harder,darker periods in my life,and I certainly mean no disrespect to you or anyone that grieves. Please forgive me if I have done so.

    • Moose Pucky says:

      Awww, Blue Eyes. So sorry.

    • boodog says:

      I am so sorry, Blue Eyes. Hugs and peace for you and your son.

    • Baker's Dozen says:

      Blue Eyes–perhaps it’s not a help now, but one day you will remember all the good times very fondly. Write them down. Make a book for your dear little one, so he won’t forget, because he will want to remember. He’ll lean on your stories when he needs to know his dad loved him very much.

    • marlys says:

      {{{{{Blue Eyes}}}}}

    • Alaska Pi says:

      very best wishes Blue Eyes…
      when you have words there are lots of ears here…

    • beth says:

      Aw, Blue Eyes, I’m sorry to hear that. Sometimes things just don’t seem fair; this is one of them. {{{{{Blue Eyes}}}}}, {{{{{Blue Eyes}}}}}, {{{{{Blue Eyes}}}}}, {{{{{Blue Eyes and wee Blue eyes}}}}} — hugs: as many and as often as you need them. beth.

    • seattlefan says:

      Blue Eyes and son, my most sincere condolences and a virtual hug to you both. Peace and good memories to you both.

    • Elizabeth says:

      Oh, Blue Eyes, I am so sorry! As you can see, we do stand with you. Our thoughts and love are there with you and your young son. I pray you can feel that love and strength flowing towards you in the days that come. Keep us informed; we do care.

    • I am so very sorry for your loss…..your son will help you feel better with each hug…all of the beautiful
      people on this site will help you smile…and, in time you will laugh…you will.

    • jojobo1 says:

      My sincere condolences My prayers are with you and your family. I just came home this afternoon from my Uncles service,He was in the navy in world war 2 and was 85 so nothing compared to what you are going thru.I am sure every mudpup will agree we have your back if you need any of us.

  18. jc in co says:

    I just emailed former first ladies Laura Bush, Hillary Clinton, Barbara Bush, Nancy Reagan, Rosalynn Carter and Betty Ford regarding the remarks sarah palin has made regarding First Lady Michelle Obama’s Anti-Obesity program. I’ve implored the former first ladies to speak up and denounce this hateful rhetoric. I have asked them to plead with our country, our America, to turn us back to civil discourse and to once again return the national conversation to a dignified mature level. I’m just a nobody in a small town in CO, nobody hears what I say but these ladies have the national platform. I would encourage all of my friends here at the Mudflats to do the same. I think palin has finally gone over the line. As I said before I’m just a nobody in CO so I don’t have any of the first ladies’ email addresses, I directed mine to their respective foundations.

  19. A fan from CA says:

    BTW, I love today’s verse.

    I imagine that since Grandma is such a bad shot she just might get run over by a reindeer.

    • OMG says:

      We can hope.

    • B in Wasilla says:

      Grandma got crapped on by a Reindeer
      Hunting in the yard on Christmas Eve
      Now you can say there are no flying reindeer
      But the Crap on Grandma’s face makes me believe

  20. OMG says:

    Palin’s constant sniping at Michelle Obama’s anti-obesity campaign rings hollow, especially when you remember her own words:

    “We have alarming levels of heart disease, diabetes, childhood obesity–and all of these maladies are on the rise. Now, I won’t stand here and lecture–for very long–but health care reform on an individual basis is often just this simple: we could save a lot of money, and a lot of grief, by making smarter choices.

    “It starts by ending destructive habits, and beginning healthy habits in eating and exercise. In my case, it’s hard to slack when you have the ever-present example of an Iron Dogger nearby. But many of us could use a little more time in our great outdoors–and when you live in the Great Land, there’s no excuse.

    “Protecting good health is largely a matter of personal responsibility, but government policy can help. Our new Alaska Health Care Commission will recommend changes that affect the well-being of Alaskans far into the future.”
    Source: Alaska 2009 State of the State Address Jan 22, 2009

    • My former and newly elected brain-dead pol Terry BrainDead Branstad once answered a reporter’s question about what the state should do about the high number of children living in poverty. Branstad casually answered that the way to lower the number of poor kids in poverty was for the rich to have more children.I find that whatever I do in my life i will always be reminded that Rethuglicans are some dumb bas^&*(s.

      • Waay Out West says:

        LAUGHING out loud

      • bubbles says:

        indeed they are.

      • Bretta says:

        Goodgawd it’s so hard for me to imagine people are that stoopid.

      • Lee323 says:

        “Branstad casually answered that the way to lower the number of poor kids in poverty was for the rich to have more children.”

        “A Christmas Carol” by Charles Dickens, published December 19, 1843:

        -Scrooge: “I can’t afford to make idle people merry. I help to support the establishments I have mentioned (workhouses and prisons): they cost enough, and those who are badly off must go there.”

        -Gentleman soliciting donations for the poor: “Many can’t go there; and many would rather die.”

        “If they would rather die,” said Scrooge, “they had better do it, and decrease the surplus population.

        167 years later, Branstad’s cavalier attitude about dealing with poverty is little different from Scrooge’s. The former spuriously “decreases” the number of poor by increasing the ratio of rich to poor, and the latter decreases the number of poor by letting them die….but both ignore addressing the actual problems of poverty in society. This cavalier attitude is not the result of stupidity. Rather, it’s the direct result of lack of compassion, morality, and simple humanity.

      • laingirl says:

        Mike, we have more than our share in Texas. Would be happy to get rid of all of them.

        • sallyngarland,tx says:

          Agree with you

        • You had the one woman,other than Shania Twain,that I would have married without kicking the tires . Too late in her life as well as mine. I miss her and her humorous writings about the ” bidness” of the good ole Texas Boys club. Molly Ivins became my secret “other half’, she put in words what I felt. And she was funny. Rest her soul. She must be saving up some good ones for when they all meet again.

      • Selfish, as well as ignorant AND THEY REPRODUCE…!

    • A fan from CA says:

      Very good catch. Hasn’t she been a big proponent of “healthy” wild proteins like salmon and moose chili? Like everyone has access to this kind of food.

      That’s the rub with Scarah, she lives in her own bubble. Now that she has traveled to some big cities doesn’t she realize that the majority of the population doesn’t have access to “wild” protein? Don’t think I’d want to eat a Central Park squirrel.

      • lilybart says:

        Not only that, but she calls these proteins…ORGANIC.

        Does the Teaparty know about this?

    • AKPetMom says:

      When Sarah told the kids they were having S’Mores because “Michelle Obama doesn’t want us to have dessert” Michelle Obama told Sasha and Malia “we’re going to open and book and read, because Sarah Palin doesn’t want us doing that”.


      • Bretta says:

        Sarah cannot read. Or remember. “All of them, any of them put in front of me.” Like it was food your parents served you and made you stuff down your gullet whether you wanted to or not.

        Anyway – good laugh, AKPetMom, thanks!

      • That doesn’t sound like something Mrs. Obama would do….she would be more likely not to say anything catty…especially to her daughters….she is one classy lady.

      • jojobo1 says:

        palin and her one daughter look like they should do without dessert.Todd the last time I saw a clip looked very badly stressed out and kind of wimpy.Don’t know if it was the clip or if he has been losing weight.

    • Zyxomma says:

      She may have read the State of the State speech, but she certainly didn’t write it (it’s obviously too coherent), and doesn’t remember it, so calling her out on “her own words” isn’t quite true. They may be “her” words in that she said them, but she didn’t write them, didn’t mean them, doesn’t recall them, and probably has a drillion excuses for her bashing of Michelle Obama (none, of course, having to do with MO being smart, stylish, and a great motivator).

  21. OMG says:

    Nichole Wallace opens up a little bit more to the Telegraph:

    “She has very obvious deficiencies that will reveal themselves as the nominating contest gets closer,” she told The Daily Telegraph, adding: “Let her shoot her moose or whatever the heck she does on her [television] show, it will all work out.”

  22. Alaska Pi says:

    From yesterday:
    Zyxomma says:
    December 19, 2010 at 9:01 PM
    There’s no reply button on Alaska Pi’s comment, so I’m posting it here instead. You’re right, we have far more fruitloops and other assorted crazypersons here than in AK, but that’s only because we have 8 million people in our city — 50,000 in my little neighborhood alone, and I live in a shtetl, compared to the population density in other neighborhoods where there are more high rise buildings. I do live in a bastion of left wing Democrats, which is very comfortable, and I love letting others (bus drivers, cabbies, train drivers) do the driving. Probably what I like best about my neighborhood is that I can walk to everything I need. Within minutes of home, I have health food stores, live food and other vegan, vegetarian, and vegan-friendly restaurants, three greenmarkets, fun gift shops, theatres for movies and plays, and right on my block are two community gardens. It’s a great place to live, and the rent is low for my top floor tenement.
    Here in Juneau (ANC is okay, has a couple great museums and some great people like AKM. Shannyn, Linda, and my favorite cousin, but otherwise…?) we have much the same as you on a tiny scale…
    A sea of bluish purple voters, a bus system which has made the top-10-in-America-small-bus-systems… From my downtown home I can walk to the health food store, our new lil farmer’s market, I have my own garden (and miles of the Tongass to pick berries in ) and order salmon from a local guy who drops it at my door if I leave an ice chest out…The community garden is out the road but we’re trying to get one downtown too.
    We have at least 3 excellent live theaters, music and dancers of all types and genres,local artists’ showings regularly, a library system it would be hard to beat anywhere…
    Being vegan might make it harder and rents are really high but when you can walk out the door and in 5 minutes be in the Tongass National Forest … well, it’s just the flight charge without needing to take a flight… to get to see acres of wildflowers, miles of creeks splashing, pounding out of the icefields, mountain goats, bears, deer, eagles, beavers, on and on… and the light of Southeast will knock you to your knees…
    soooo… what’s a few fruitloops to avoid when you can be amidst all this?

    You packed yet, bubbles? 🙂
    You have a wildflower walk at Point Bridget State Park with a picnic on Lynn Canal pencilled in for next June?

    • Alaska Pi says:

      oh, and almost best of all Zyxomma… whatzername would never, ever be here… we couldn’t get her here when her duty station was here , soooo…no worries about running into the fruit in fruitloop!

      • Take heart,fellow Pups. Only Minnesota is allowed to be called the state with 10 thousand lakes AND a flake. They just need to dust off the plates from when “the Body” Ventura was guv.

        • Bretta says:

          At least he made it thru his term.

          And he thinks $PayMe is not fit to be President,
          so I don’t see him as all that bad.

      • Zyxomma says:

        Alaska Pi, have I told you lately that I love you? Alaska tempts this nature-lover more than I can say, despite my being vegan (even as a child, I couldn’t tolerate milk products, and never enjoyed meat or fish of any type after 2 or 3 bites).

        I’ll stay here long enough to generate sufficient cash (I wouldn’t want to be counted among AK’s homeless) to buy a place to live (and maybe another in HI, which I adore).

        The Tongass calls to me! I cannot (and do not) deny it.

        • Bretta says:

          I’ve only been in Petersburg and Ketchikan – not Juneau, but the forests in Southeast are beeeautiful. Like the Hoh Rainforest in western Washington.
          What I remember most is being immersed in green.

          • Alaska Pi says:

            Right now it’s green and white… great frozen waterfalls cascading down the mountainsides… the sound of the wash of summer water has given way to the still quiet of winter…
            well… least til the avalanches start … 🙂

    • bubbles says:

      You packed yet, bubbles? 🙂
      You have a wildflower walk at Point Bridget State Park with a picnic on Lynn Canal pencilled in for next June?
      i will be along shortly dear one. just need to sock some cash away and make some plans. won’t be long now.

    • Sounds lovely, I can see it…..just beautiful….!

  23. Shadow's Heart says:

    Don’t know if anyone posted this yet but it’s cute. I’m sure it will get the Evangelicals pants all in a twist though.

    The Digital Nativity.

  24. OMG says:

    Another great critique of Palin’s Alaska:

    From the column:

    “Man, what was tonight about? See Sarah raft. See Sarah ride a four-wheeler. See Sarah serve pie. See Sarah ride a dogsled. I wasn’t sure if I was watching Sarah Palin’s Alaska or Dirty Jobs. Maybe Undercover Boss. What a strange and silly hour of television.

    “It was all balanced on what I consider to be a very silly point about escaping the media and the “idiots and bloggers” and the National Enquirer and how we’re all so mean to Sarah and her family. Her kids are such troopers for putting up with it all.

    “Here’s where I call nonsense. Look, you weren’t forced into this. You chose to be a high-profile official/celebrity. You’ve appeared on Saturday Night Live. Your kid goes on Dancing With the Stars. YOU ARE COMPLAINING ABOUT THE MEDIA ON YOUR REALITY TELEVISION SHOW THAT JUST LAST WEEK FEATURED KATE GOSSELIN. It is 2010. If you don’t know by now that being a media figure is an all-in or all-out affair, you are a fool. I don’t care how many Mud Flaps you call friends, or how many clay pigeons you can shatter. You, Kim Kardashian and Snooki are all cut from the same cloth. Don’t like it? Turn the cameras off. Stop doing the paso doble for Tom Bergeron and Bruno Tonioli. And stop trying to become the President of the United Stated. It’s not that hard.”

    • A fan from CA says:

      So very true, and don’t forget taking big $$$$$ to be on the cover of People and other gossip rags. Palin has made the whole family of bunch of celebutards just like the Kardashians. The difference is those girls actually work. They have dress shops while the Palin kids are busy with their middle fingers.

      • lilybart says:

        Imagine that candidate Obama called up People and InTouch to SELL stories about himself and his family. He would NOT be President right now.

        • jojobo1 says:

          Think maybe she thinks if she can be a TV star like Ronald Regaen she can egt elected as a straw man that she is? JMO

      • As Dr Hook would say,”there ain’t no blow that will gitchs when you get your picture on the cover of the “Rolling Stone””. so far I don’t think Sassy Sarah has made it that far.

        • Mike in Iowa: Thanks for reminding me about Dr. Hook…I just got that song (cover of the Rolling Stone) on reminds me of the best part of my youth..Thank you for making me think of it..!

    • laingirl says:

      My thoughts exactly. When you sell yourself and your family to gossip rags, and post on Face Book or Tweet your opinion on everything, you are asking for attention to yourself and your family.

      By the way, who landscaped the Palin’s house? It looks like another Todd job, similar to the big fence.

  25. OMG says:

    This piece is an excellent critique of media coverage of Palin (as she allows some in the MSM to interview her):

    • Bretta says:

      That was a very good article. I think the media is kissing up to her – for the life of me I cannot understand why – my fallback position is, “follow the money.” It is my belief, as he said, that she drives viewership/ratings up, which means the shows can sell more advertising. I only believe people tune in to see the train wreck or to catch the next stoopid thing out of her mouth.

    • laingirl says:

      As Bretta said, that was a very good article. I noticed how the writer caught her lying right away, which we all know she does constantly.

  26. Sister Sarah reminds me of the blonde that went hunting with her husband,first time, and he had a heart attack. So Blondie calls 9-11 to get help.She tells the operator she thinks her husband is dead. The man on the other end of the call asks her to stay calm and he says,” First thing,let’s make sure your husband is dead,” The blonde picks up the gun and shoots her husband in the head and asks the operator,”what’s next” No offense meant to any blondes and as a side disclaimer,no real husbands died in this joke. Thirty four years ago on this date,I answered the 64 dollar question from a minister in a church he might not have been sanctioned to marry people in. 6 years later I was thrown to the wolves and became the happy “cynic’ that I am.

    • Bretta says:

      For years I always talked about my husband as my second ex-husband.
      He had a hard time with that.

  27. OMG says:

    Romney tries to distance himself from the health care he championed while governor to appease the tea party types when he should be proudly touting its success:

  28. OMG says:

    This is a great recap of Palin’s Alaska (you’ll really enjoy it):

    • ChicagoMom says:

      Sounds like what Piper is really learning is that her mother is a hypocrite. No wonder she looks so miserable lately!

  29. BuffaloGal says:

    When my children were wee ones we moved next door to a family with a little adopted girl who had a most awful, creepy vibe. Soon after moving to this neighborhood I found out that this odd child had a history of squeezing small animals till they expired. Apparently she very much enjoyed it and would invite other neighborhood kids to watch. ( thank goodness I was warned by another mom ) I learned that this girl had had been in a horrible home before being adopted at 5 years old.

    The enjoyment $P obviously gets from bludgeoning fish to death and fondling their still warm, beating hearts, from blowing a hole through a reindeer-like caribou for her families-with-children audience to watch during Christmas week, and from making jokes about how she enjoys killing things because it gets the libs all wee-wee’d up – it reminds me of that little girl and makes me wonder what in the world happened to her as a child. $P’s bizarre behavior goes beyond just narcissism. There’s something truly twisted going on in that bump-it coiffed head of hers.

    Fly, Santa & Rudolph – FLY!! Save yourselves !!

  30. I’m still back on the “family” photo. The more I look at the five kids and Sarah, the weirder I think it is. Like others have said, Track is standing apart and looks ready to flee. The girls look happy enough. But if you were posing for a family photo, isn’t it odd that Sarah is turned away from the four older kids? When we take family photos, we stand closer together (very often hugging each other or at least with arms around one another) and we turn towards the center so we are all facing each other. Sarah is holding Trigg, but has her back turned on the other kids. Maybe that was no accident. And where the heck is Todd in this “family” photo?

    It’s just as weird as everything else she does, I guess – so we shouldn’t be surprised.

    • London Bridges says:

      I think Todd is standing on the right and is shopped out. This is the Palinic “Alaskan Gothic” scary picture.

    • beth says:

      All are in ‘substantial’ clothing, too…Piper, not so much. Don’t know if it’s an independence streak she’s showing, or brattiness. Either way, she’s adding tremendously to the weird vibes of the whole surreal photo. beth.

    • kate says:

      Photos do tell us a lot, from the photographer’s point of view. Of course it is a posed photo, and the subjects are doing as they have been asked to do. It’s not a photo of a close-knit, warm family, but of a family with a lot of material possessions set down on a beautiful set. As others have noted, there’s no interaction among family members. It would appear that each child got to pick his or her favorite mode of transportation. Trig has a tiny car, Piper a motor bike, the two older girls (Willow and Bristol) a larger ATV, and Track has a bedroll and backpack, ready to hit the trail. No Todd, and also no Tripp (Bristol’s son), even though supposedly he doesn’t spend time with Levi and therefore ought to be part of Bristol’s family. It’s very strange that in spite of the beautiful scenery, only Track looks as though he might actually want to enjoy nature — everyone else is going to charge around on some fossil fueled-vehicle.

      • merrycricket says:

        This isn’t the whole photo. I think Gryphen at I’M posted the original. If memory serves, it’s a promo shot for her unreal reality show. Tripp is in the car that is mostly cropped out of this one. Can’t remember if Tawd was in it or not. I just remember Tripp because the poor kid is a cutiepie.

    • Bretta says:

      In forensics, so I’ve heard, the direction the people of interest are facing is important.

      • Elizabeth says:

        If it were a natural photo where people got to choose, yes, it can be very interesting psychologically. I, personally, believe that this “photo” was photoshopped using various elements. So the psychological element would be useless.

    • AKPetMom says:

      The oldest daughter looks much thinner in that summer photo.